*Not all the schools under "Featured Programs" offer free laptops. Please contact the schools individually to find out if they do or don't.
Many colleges recognize the need to help students with the costs of laptops & other technology. These online schools offer free laptops and/or deep discounts.
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Some colleges offer free laptops, with the cost included in the price of tuition. Others provide laptops at greatly reduced prices. Schools may offer the same device to every student or provide options based on each learner's budget or academic majo ...
offer free, online public school options. Students primarily... at-home online schools provide laptops and other resources, and some can subsidize internet costs. And as with any school...
Connecting with an online tutor is easy and free. You just need a library card and a computer or mobile device with internet access. Professionally trained and experienced tutors work online with s...
Oprah isn't the only one who can give out free laptops for college students. Here's 50 colleges with programs that give students free or discounted laptops.
"We live in a very rural setting and T-Mobile’s hotspots gave many of our students coverage where no internet connection is normally available. The speed and data was great for checking in with online assignments and participating in online conferencing." · Gary Roberts IT Director, AOS 43 Howland, ME · Coverage not available in some areas.
public schools amid the coronavirus crisis, Willie texted his... get online. Charter Communications ’ Spectrum offered free broadband and Wi-Fi to families with K-12 or college students...
Force laptops were made ready for shipping to schools. The 5... follow online lessons and now, with schools reopening, they... initiative – free Vodafone data SIM cards for pupils. The...