Take the next step in your nursing career. No matter where you are in your nursing career, we offer an FNP degree pathway for you (with clinical placement!).
A full list of online family nurse practitioner programs including if it's worth it, how much tuition is, how to get in, and more.
Acceptance rate, 50.30% ; Credits required to graduate, 46 ; Enrolled, 111 ; Retention rate, 89% ; Total Tuition, $32,648.50
Looking for an online Family Nurse Practitioner degree? WGU now offers an online master's degree! Check out degree, salary, and career info here.
Explore the family nurse practitioner programs available in 2024, including online and hybrid options.
Curriculum Component, Requirements, Cost, AMOUNT ; Tuition, 58 quarter credit hours, $765 per quarter hour, $44,370 ; Program Fee, Per quarter, $175, $1,225 ; Clinical Course Fee, 4 courses (PRAC), $160, $640 ; BELIEVE & ACHIEVE SCHOLARSHIP YOUR TUITION, BELIEVE & ACHIEVE SCHOLARSHIP YOUR TUITION, BELIEVE & ACHIEVE SCHOLARSHIP YOUR TUITION, -$6,120 $40,115 †*
Duke University ; Ohio State Online ; Georgetown University ; Duquesne University ; Florida Atlantic University ; Frontier Nursing University ; George Washington University
Take a holistic approach to care, cure, and your career with one of our advanced family nurse practitioner programs.
Graceland University offers a flexible online FNP program. Achieve your MSN degree and become a skilled family nurse practitioner.
The online FNP programs at Chamberlain University will prepare you to excel as a nursing professional. Learn more about our family nurse practitioner MSN program.