or "specialized" accreditation focuses on particular degrees, departments or schools – including those offered as online programs. Not every program at a university has programmatic...
An online degree is an academic degree (usually a college degree, but sometimes the term includes high school diplomas and non-degree certificate programs) that can be earned primarily or entirely through the use of an Internet-connected computer, rather than attending college in a traditi...
With the advent of online degrees, this individual can now enroll in a reputable... It will also highlight the importance of researching accreditation status and program outcomes to ensure...
Verifying accreditation can ensure the legitimacy of an online program, experts say.
Rank, School Name, Tuition Per Credit (Out of State), Application Deadline ; #1, University at Buffalo--SUNY, $353, Rolling ; #2, University of Florida, $500, Rolling ; #3, University of Illinois--Chicago, $361, Rolling ; #4 (tie), Arizona State University, $563, Rolling ; #4 (tie), North Carolina State University, $1,225, Feb. 15 ; #4 (tie), Oregon State University, $350, Rolling ; #7 (tie), Ohio State Online, $390, Rolling ; #7 (tie), Texas A&M University--College Station, $1,198, Jan. 15 ; #7 (tie), University of Central Florida, $716, Rolling ; #7 (tie), University of North Carolina--Charlotte, $318, July 1 ; #11 (tie), CUNY School of Professional Studies, $350, Rolling ; #11 (tie), University of Arizona, $505, Rolling ; #13 (tie), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University--Worldwide, $485, Rolling ; #13 (tie), George Washington University, $661, Rolling ; #13 (tie), University of Georgia, $326, May 1
Online degrees are an effective, respected alternative to on-campus learning. Find out what prospective students and employers should look for in an online program.
Colleges · Grad Schools · Online Colleges · Global Universities · K-12 · Rankings · Scholarships and Finances
Don’t wait to start your online degree. New students enrolled in any online bachelor’s degree, graduate program (online or on-campus), certificate, or micro-credential will...
Be wary of online programs that overpromise outcomes and lack accreditation information.
You are assured of a standard level of quality in education and services ; Your credits will transfer to most other accredited institutions ; Your degree will be recognized and respected by other colleges and employers