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Massive open online course

A massive open online course ( MOOC ) or an open online course is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the Web. In addition to traditional course materials, such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive courses with use...

Create Online Course Website with AI - Best of 2024

How to Generate Online Course Website for Free. Make a Website for Online Course. With AI and No-code. 9900+ Templates.

Top Online Courses and Certifications

Google Cybersecurity ; 구글 데이터 애널리틱스 ; Google Project Management: Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce ; Google IT 지원 ; Google UX Design ; Machine Learning ; 심층 학습 ; Google AI Essentials ; IBM 데이터 과학

Free online courses migrated from openSAP to the SAP Learning site

Find over 100 former openSAP courses now available on the SAP Learning site. Start learning with free training provided by SAP experts.

Online Course How Homepage - Online Course How

Welcome to Online Course How, where you'll find a whole site full of articles and in-depth guides on everything to do with online courses.

Online courses

Immerse yourself in ideas and see your world in new ways through art. In MoMA’s free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on Coursera, you will hear directly from artists and designers, look closely...

AI For Everyone Course (DeepLearning.AI)

알아야 할 세부 사항 ; 평가 : 4개 과제들, 사용 언어: 영어 : 23개언어 사용 가능, 한국어 (자동) 포함

Springboard: Online Courses to Future Proof Your Career

Springboard's mentor-led online programs are guaranteed to get you hired. Learn data science, UI/UX, and coding by building real-world projects.

Online courses

Learn English with an online course specially created by the British Council, the world's English teaching experts.

COVID-19 Contact Tracing

학습 내용 ; 전염 기간, COVID-19 발현 양상, 전염 방식에 대한 증거를 포함하여 SARS-CoV-2 의 자연사를 설명합니다. ; 접촉자 추적을 통해 감염성 접촉자 및 공중 보건 개입 일정을 정의합니다. ; 사례 조사 및 접촉자 추적의 유용성을 입증하고, 일반적인 장벽과 이를 극복하기 위한 가능한 전략을 파악하세요.

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