Whiplash happens when sudden movement or force puts too much strain on your neck and spine. It’s painful but usually isn’t dangerous, and it’s often treatable.
Whiplash is a neck injury typically caused by sudden movements. Learn about its common causes, symptoms, and effective treatment options for recovery
Neck strain, or whiplash, occurs when sudden force stretches and tears the muscles and tendons in your neck. Learn more from WebMD about symptoms and treatment of the condition.
A whiplash injury can affect the neck, back, nerves, and central nervous system. Learn how to support healing after an accident.
You have injured your neck and: ; you have severe pain despite taking paracetamol or ibuprofen ; you have tingling or pins and needles on 1 or both sides of your body ; you have problems with walking or sitting upright
Overview ; Headaches, most often starting at the base of the skull. ; Ringing in the ears, called tinnitus. ; Physical abuse or assault. Whiplash can occur if you are punched or shaken. It's one of the injuries seen in shaken baby syndrome.
Whiplash is an injury caused by the neck bending forcibly forward and then backward, or vice versa. The injury usually involves the muscles, discs, nerves, and tendons in the neck.
Whiplash symptoms include neck pain and stiffness, possibly leading to associated issues like headaches and radiculopathy.
Whiplash is a common injury to a person's neck following a car accident (in most cases). Symptoms include headache, neck pain, neck and shoulder stiffness, shoulder pain, fatigue, dizziness, jaw pa...
Whiplash Neck Pain Service User Information Leaflet Produced by Fife Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Service Diagrams: © PhysioTools Issue No. Date of Issue: Sept 2016 Review Date...