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Moffitt Names Physician of the Year

The 2020 Charles C. Williams Jr. Physician of the Year is Dr. Robert Keenan

For Physicians: How to Request Single Patient Expanded Access (“Compassionate Use”) | FDA

Type of Request, Weekday M-F 8:00 – 4:30 pm ET ; Emergency Requests, Contact the appropriate review division below, if known. If unknown, contact the Division of Drug Information: 855-543-3784 , or 301-796-3400 301-431-6353 (fax) [email protected] ; Non-emergency Requests, Division of Drug Information: 855-543-3784 , or 301-796-3400 fax: 301-431-6353 [email protected]

Dr. Adam D. Cheriff Named Chief Operating Officer of Weill Cornell Medicine Physician Organization | News....

Dr. Adam D. Cheriff, a physician and healthcare executive with more than 20 years of leadership experience, has been named the new chief operating officer of Weill Cornell Medicine's Physician Orga...

Use stop words to shorten physician names · Issue #89 · philterd/phileas · GitHub

Use stop words to shorten physician names. Instead of taking the entire n-gram, see if we can use stop words to shorten the span by cutting it based on the location of the stop words. Look at each...

Accomplished physician, public health scholar named School of Public Health dean at Brown

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Dr. Ashish K. Jha, an accomplished physician, health policy researcher and global health advocate, who is currently the faculty director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, has been appointed the next dean of the Brown University School of Public Health. Brown President Christina H. Paxson and Provost Richard M. Locke announced Jha’s appointment in a Feb. 26 email to School of Public Health students, faculty and staff. “Dr. Jha is an accomplished s...

Verify a Physician | American Board of Ophthalmology

How to Interpret Certification Status ; Board Eligible Ophthalmologists who are not yet board certified are considered “Board Eligible” by the American Board of Ophthalmology for up to seven years after graduating from a residency training program in the specialty of ophthalmology. After seven years, they may continue to pursue board certification, but may not use the term Board Eligible. Certified (Non-Time-Limited) Ophthalmologists who achieve board certification and voluntarily complete a...

Submit Physician Name

MSC keeps a list of Canadian physicians who have knowledge and experience diagnosing and treating various forms of mast cell disease. Please help us keep this list current by providing the names of physicians who have been most helpful in managing your mast cell disease. Submit name here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZQDVGBX

Korean physician named editor of world-renowned journal - The Korea Times

A Korean physician was named the editor of a world-renowned medical journal, a local hospital said Tuesday.

Physician tracking of orders and items · Issue #76 · shihjay2/nosh2 · GitHub

In several locations like labs, medications, conditions, you might want to add a comment field were people can type in free text whatever they like. Or field which links these items to the names of...

Korean physician named editor of world-renowned journal - The Korea Times

A Korean physician was named the editor of a world-renowned medical journal, a local hospital said Tuesday.

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