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Predictive Customer Analytics

배울 내용 ; Discover how to preprocess customer data for predictive modeling using Excel. ; Master the application of linear regression in Excel to predict customer behavior. ; Explore the use of logistic regression for customer churn prediction and retention strategies.

HR Predictive Analytics

Master HR predictive analytics in Excel. Learn forecasting, linear regression, logistic regression, and clustering.

How AI Can Boost Your Predictive Analytics - Linked in

Learn how to use artificial intelligence (AI) for predictive analytics, and what are the benefits and challenges of this approach. Discover how AI can help you optimize your business decisions, red...

MS in Predictive Analytics & Risk Management

Master's Program in Predictive Analytics and Risk Management at Illinois

Data Science and Predictive Analytics – MS in& Risk Management

Predictive modeling techniques in common use are the following: Decision Trees: Classification models that partition data into subsets based on categories of input variables. This helps understand someone’s path of decisions. A popular approach. Regression: One of the most popular methods in statistics. Regression analysis estimates relationships among variables. Intended for continuous data that can be assumed to follow a normal distribution, it finds key patterns in large data sets. Common i...

Struggling with predictive analytics performance in your BI strategy?

Tackle predictive analytics challenges in your BI strategy. Exchange ideas and strategies for better performance in business intelligence.

Data Science, Master of Science (M.S.) at St. Johns University - New York, NY,John's University

30 · Degree Credits Required ; 18 · months (full-time) · Estimated Time To Complete

Introducing Predictive Analytics: Opportunities | SPE Digital Energy Conference and Exhibition | OnePetro

Energy companies' data bases hold the potential for tremendous advantage. Moreover, they are growing exponentially, fed by a mounting array of sources including ERP systems, sensory networks, machine instrumentation, credit card transactions, loyalty programs, and increasing multi-media and other unstructured data. Yet analyzing and extracting value from large datasets has always been a problem due to the sheer volume of data and consequent "signal to noise" problems. To unlock some of this valu...

HR Analytics using MS Excel (Excel Analytics)

Using MS Excel's Data Analysis Toolpak to perform HR analytics on various business cases.

predictive analytics

잠재적인 네트워크 고장 및 성능 문제의 식별과 탐지는 오래 전부터 교육을 통한 추측에 의존해야 했다. 하지만 새로운 세대의 예측 분석(predictive analytics) 툴의 등장으로 네트워크를 더욱 높은 정확도로 예측해 직원들이 네트워크 운영에 ...

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