Explore Embedded Systems, mastering servo motor control, analog input techniques, and serial terminal communication for efficient application development.
Explore embedded systems with a focus on DC motors, encoders, and servo motors. Gain practical skills in motor control, encoder feedback, and servo motor application.
Amatrol’s PLC Motor Control eLearning (M17726) covers a variety of topics that are immediately applicable to industry-relevant skills.
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Gain expertise in control techniques, DC motors, and encoders through hands-on learning. Master motor control skills for optimized system navigation. Enroll today.
Who should attend this course? ; Engineers looking to better understand and implement the validation process for motor control applications ; Engineers looking for tips and tricks to improve their motor control designs ; Engineers who wish to fine-tune their motor’s PI controller and increase efficiency
Identify and set fundamental parameters for a motor block. ; Integrate an Average-Value Inverter block into a model. ; Convert a three-phase voltage output to a three-phase duty signal.
The Postural Control System ; Infection Prevention and Control ; Paediatric Assessment Using the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale-2
This course Electric Motor Control explain the fundamental concepts of designing and maintaining electrical control for the three phase induction motors. ; Design simple and complex control circuits. ; all circuits discussed in this course are practical.
In this third lecture of the motor control course we discuss about how we can read different analog or digital inputs to build a speed reference block generator in Simulink model that will...