IoT 데이터와 관련한 3대 핵심 과제와 해결 방법 ; IoT(Internet of Things, 사물인터넷)는 미래 지향적인 솔루션을 위한 핵심 구성 요소로 자리매김하고 있으며 막대한 경제적 가치가 내재되어 있습니다. McKinsey & Company는 2030년까지 IoT가 소비자 및 고객을 통한 가치 창출을 포함해 전 세계적으로 5조5천 억 달러에서 12조6천 억 달러 규모의 시장을 형성할 것으로 전망했습니다. 지속적으로...
Welcome back to the MongoDB Jumpstart series. In this video, we are going to build out the frontend of our e-commerce application in Next.js including all of the components, product pages...
Peter_Volkov (Peter Volkov) ; Kobe_W (Kobe W) ; system (system) Closed
April 15, 2022, 9:06am ; Love the team name BTW!! ; Nikos_Kousathanas (Nikos Kousathanas) ; Great to reach out @Nikos_Kousathanas - I hope this works out. We can assist in setting up a private space for the project for you.
December 25, 2021, 4:15pm ; nlarew (Nick Larew) ; December 25, 2021, 6:19pm
juan_martin2 (Juan Martin) · June 7, 2022, 4:27pm · 1 · Hi, I’m running Mongo 4.4 in docker among with a dockerize frontend and backend, and mongo suddenly shuts down, not even in the middle of an operation. These are the verbose logs: msg\":\"Received signal\",\"attr\":{\"signal\":15,\"error\":\" msg\":\"Signal was sent by kill(2)\",\"attr\":{\"pid\": msg\":\"will terminate after current cmd ends\"}\n","stream":" msg\":\"Stepping down the ReplicationCoordinator for shutdown\",\"attr\":{...
Table of contents ; What is a tech stack? · What is a modern tech stack? · What is an example of a tech stack? · Tech stack components explained · Advantages of the right tech stack · How to choose/build a tech stack · Next steps · FAQs
Welcome (or welcome back!) to the SQL to MongoDB series. In the first post in this series, I mapped terms and concepts from SQL to MongoDB. I also introduced you to Ron. Let's take a moment and return to Ron. Ron is pretty set in his ways. For example, he loves his typewriter. It doesn't matter that computers are a bajillion times more powerful than typewriters. Until someone convinces him otherwise, he's sticking with his typewriter. Maybe you don't have a love for typewriters. But perhaps you ...
Technology stack ; Before diving into the MERN stack, let's quickly understand what a technology stack is. A technology stack is a set of technologies you choose and use to build a web application, mobile application or similar applications. A good technology stack must give a seamless user experience as well as be scalable and cost-effective. A typical tech stack contains a frontend, backend and database and is known as a full technology stack. Usually, the basic front-end or user interface tec...
이제 frontend에서 요청을 보내면 backend 서버에서 mongoDB에 저장된 정보를 꺼내서 frontend에 보여주는 작업을 해볼것이다. 현재 frontend는 localhost:8080, backend는 localhost:3001에서 돌고있다. 즉 8080에서 요청을 보내면 3001에 가서 작업을 해주고 8080에 응답을 보내줄것이다. ba...