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money market

English Noun money market ( plural money markets ) ( finance ) A market for trading short-term debt instruments, such as treasury bills, commercial paper, bankers' acceptances, and...


자금시장 : KIDB는 국내외 다양한 기관 투자자들에게 원화콜과 REPO에 대하여 중개 서비스를 제공합니다. Money Market : KIDB provides brokerage service of KRW Call and REPO to local institurional investors.

Money market

The money market is a component of the economy that provides short-term funds. The money market deals in short-term loans, generally for a period of a year or less. As short-term securities became a commodity, the money market became a component of the financial market for assets involved ...

Money market - 한국어 번역, 의미, 동의어, 반의어, 발음, 예문, 전사, 정의, 구

«Money market» 에 대한 번역, 정의, 의미, 전사 및 예를 보고 동의어, 반의어를 배우고 «Money market» 에 대한 발음을 듣습니다.

자금시장 - 위키백과 한국어

자금시장 (money market)은 단기금융시장이라고도 하는데 시장참가자들이 일시적인 자금수급의 불균형을 조정하기 위해 활용한다. 만기 1년 이내의 금융상품이 거래되는 시장이다. 콜시장, 한국은행...

Money Market In 한국어 - 번역 및 사용 예

문장과 번역에 money market 를 사용하는 예. In the exemplary screen 1714, the default payment source Bank of USA has three selectable accounts, e.g. a Savings Balance, a Checking Balance, and Other(e.g. a money...

Money market fund

A money market fund (also called a money market mutual fund ) is an open-end mutual fund that invests in short-term debt securities such as US Treasury bills and commercial paper. Money market funds are managed with the goal of maintaining a highly stable asset value through liquid investm...

Money Markets: What They Are, How They Work, and Who Uses Them

The money market involves trading in very short-term debt investments. These trades are characterized by a high degree of safety and relatively low rates of return.

Money Market - Korea Money Brokerage Corp

Currency : Korean Won (KRW), Period : Within 90 days, Transaction Time : Unlimited

money market 뜻 - money market 한국어 뜻

money market 한국어 뜻: phrase, 금융시장.... 자세한 한국어 번역 및 예문 보려면 클릭하십시오

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