On January 1, 2024, Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse will now be available for free. For the first time in nearly 100 years, Mickey Mouse is a freely available public work. Public domain refers to a work for which the copyright has expired or the copyright holder has given up the copyright, and anyone can use the work without the permission of the copyright holder. However, not all Mickey Mouse designs are available. Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse from 'Steamboat Willie' and 'Plane Crazy' produced in 1928 are available. Later designs, such as the 1 ...
With the copyright on Steamboat Willie, the first story with Mickey Mouse, due to expire in 2024, what does this mean for Disney and Mickey Mouse?
The version of Mickey Mouse seen in Steamboat Willie and Plane Crazy enters the public domain alongside the play Peter Pan, the song “Mack the Knife,” and more.
Mickey Mouse's appearance in Steamboat Willie isn't the only major character to lose copyright in the 2020s, with many famous examples soon to follow.
The earliest version of the iconic character, Mickey Mouse in "Steamboat Willie," will be free for public use in just a few weeks.
What could happen to the original version of Mickey Mouse and others after they entered the public domain on Jan. 1? Hint: think Winnie the Pooh wielding a sledgehammer.
The Disney 1928 short that brought the world Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse is now in the public domain, but not everyone can use it
Mickey Mouse is about to belong to you and me. The earliest version of Disney's most famous character will become public domain on Jan. 1, 2024.
Mickey Mouse, is that you holding a bloody knife? Slashing youngsters’ necks? Looking tattered and blood stained? Disney’s most famous character is getting reworked. And it isn’t pretty.
The original version of Mickey Mouse entered the public domain on January 1, 2024, and already an alternative universe where the dark side of the mouse exists is unravelling