Michigan Ross develops leaders who make a positive difference in the world, through top-ranked MBA, bachelor’s, and specialty master’s programs.
Michigan Ross is consistently ranked among the world’s top business schools.
Average undergraduate GPA, 2023-24 enrollees, 3.37 ; Tuition per credit, out-of-state 5%, $2,761 ; Size of 2022-2023 graduating class, 88 ; Yield, 2023–24 (Matriculates/Admits), 83% ; Graduation rate, 2020-23, 99% ; Average number of years of work experience, 2023-24 entrants, 6.8 ; One-year retention rate, 2022-23, 96% ; Acceptance rate, fall 2023, DNP
Explore graduate & post graduate courses at University Michigan for Michigan Ross School of Business. Read the campus locations & other information.
@MichiganRoss의 최신 포스트를 확인하세요. At the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, our mission is to build a better world through business.
Philanthropist ; Stephen M. Ross has made history as the University of Michigan’s single most prolific donor. When the New York real estate developer made his first $100 million gift to the School of Business in 2004, the University of Michigan Regents renamed the school the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. Mr. Ross made history again in September 2013, when he committed an additional $200 million to the university, distributed between Michigan Ross and the uni...
The Stephen M. Ross School of Business is the business school at the University of Michigan, located in Ann Arbor, MI.
Real estate developer and alumnus Stephen M. Ross today donated an additional $50 million to the University of Michigan, bringing his total lifetime giving to $378 million.
2017년 6월 미시간 GMBA학생들을 환영하는 로스스쿨 최연소 학장님의 말씀- 운좋게도 이 자리에 초대받아서 직접 경청할 수 있었다. 한참 동생인데 열심히 살았나보네. ^^ University of Michigan Ross - Global MBA 안녕하세요. 반달곰원장입니다. 미국의 유명한 뉴욕 부동산 개발업자 Stephen M. Ross가 2004..
약 2.3만 명의 구독자를 보유한 Ross School of Business의 유튜브. 약 260 개의 동영상이 있습니다. The Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan is a...