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Medical Exercise Specialist Online Course I 메디컬 운동 전문가 온라인 과정 I [교육내용] 1. 기본개념(Foundation Concepts) 2. 경추, 경흉추, 흉추의 기능해부학 및 운동학 3. 검사와 진단 과정 3)온라인 강의 코스의 총시간의 1/3이 지난 후 부터 1/2이 지나기 이전까지 – 지불한 수업료의 1/2에 해당하는 금액 4)온라인 강의 코스의 총시간의 1/2이 지난 후 부터 – 환불 불가
Enrol to our free online medical courses with top universities to dive into the complex world of healthcare and get professional development training.
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배울 내용 ; Medical Billing Concepts, Job Opportunities in Medical Billing · Parties Involved in Medical Billing · Medical Billing Cycle · Types of Insurances, Types of Health Insurance Plans, CMS1500, UB04 · Charge Entry, Payment Posting, Revenue Cycle Management, Accounts Receivable, Denial Analysis, Working on Unpaid Claims · 16 Insurance Calling Scenarios
Get advice to apply for medical school and find out what it's like to be a medical student in this free online course from the University of Glasgow.
Medical Receptionist Training ; Diploma in Understanding Medical Terminologies ; Diploma in Medical Coding and Billing ; Basics of Medical Billing & Coding ; Medical and Clinical Administration ; Diploma in Medical Secretary ; Medical Secretary Training ; Easy Steps to Becoming a Medical Receptionist ; Theory of Medical Gases
Online medical terminology course is ideal for anyone who is taking coding/billing course and certification examination and never studied medical terminology.
Medical Exercise Specialist Online Course II 메디컬운동전문가 온라인 과정 II [교육내용] 1. 어깨 복합체, 주관절과 전완, 손목 & 손의 기능해부학 및 운동학 2. 검사와 진단 과정 4. Medical Exercise * 운동감각 인식 (Kinesthetic Awareness) * 가동성 및 유연성 향상을 위한 운동 (Mobility and Flexibility Exercise) * 교정 운동전략(Corrective Exercise Strategy) * 근육 퍼포먼스 : 안정성, 근력, 근파워, 지구력 트레이닝...