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Domain, Attributes ; Customer, (Both B2B/B2C) First name; last name; address; postal code; buying preferences, Service-Level-Agreements ; Product, Product code; color; size; design; storage (SKU) ; Location, Addresses; type of location (e.g., consumer, warehouse, retail location); logistic coordinates (geocoding)
The secret to a responsive supply chain is accurate, comprehensive and accessible data. Next-gen master data management (MDM) enhanced with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) ca...
ToBeWAY MDM V9 2020.09 기업 기준정보 관리 Enterprise Master Data Management Simple Smart Speedy Safe... SCM (Supply Chain Management, 공급망 관리) • DI (Data Integration, 데이터 통합) • DQM (Data Quality...
What is data management and why is it important? Full guide ; 8 data integration challenges and how to overcome them ; Data lake vs. data warehouse: Key differences explained ; What key roles should a data management team include?
In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, supply chain management is crucial in ensuring operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. A key factor in achieving success is the effective management of digital assets. Let us explore the impact of a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system on eCommerce supply chain management. By leveraging a DAM system, businesses can streamline operations, optimise product information management, enhance collaboration, and improve customer experiences. A DAM system ...
Pivotree Leads Digital Transformation with Sonepar Canada ; Pivotree Drives Innovation to Accelerate Time to Market in the Electronics Industry ; Finalists for 2024 Business Technology Council Technology Innovation Award Announced
컴포넌트의 기본 일반 정보, 특성 및 특징에 익숙해지세요. 또한 해당 컴포넌트가 산업 기준과 규정을 준수하는지 확인하세요.
Features of Pimcore PIM and MDM ; Centralised product data management ; Data enrichment and validation ; Multichannel publishing ; Workflow management
보이지 않는 인프라 '반도체'를 생산하는 하이닉스반도체는 최근 한국IBM의 솔루션과 컨설팅을 이용해 MDM(Master Data Management) 환경을 구축했다. PI를 통해 9개 기준 정보를 도출하고, 총 3단계에 걸쳐 전사 차원의 MDM을 구축하는 것이 골자로, 현재 1단계로 제품에 대한 통합 기준 정보 관리 체계를 구축했다. 전사 데이터의 현황과 연계성 등을 분석하고, 이를 표준화함으로써 전사 데이터 및 프로세스의 투명성, 신뢰성, ...