배울 내용 ; Enhanced Communication Skills · Cultivation of Gratitude Practices · Development of Time Management Strategies · Promotion of Respect and Compassion
The Complete Lunchtime Soft Skills Course
배울 내용 ; Master effective communication techniques to articulate ideas clearly, enhancing teamwork and productivity. ; Develop emotional intelligence skills to manage stress, navigate social complexities, and inspire others. ; Gain negotiation and conflict-resolution strategies to facilitate smoother work relations and achieve goals.
성균관대 경영전문대학원 EMBA에서는 직장인과 기업인을 대상으로 실무와 이론이 융합된 수준 높은 MBA 교육을 제공하고 있으며, 크고 작은 기업의 CEO와 다양한 국내외 조직에서 파견된 임직원들이 재학하고 있습니다. 또한 네트워킹에 도움이 되는 다양한 프로그램들을 통해 끈끈한 교류의 장이 되고 있어 원우들의 만족도가 매우 높다는 사실! 오늘 이 시간에는 직장인MBA 진학 결...
As MBA students prepare to enter the competitive business world, technical knowledge is vital but soft skills are equally crucial. Here’s why they matter: Effective Communication Clear communicatio...
How the WebMBA Sharpens Critical Soft Skills Unlike many other MBA programs, the WebMBA emphasizes team-based learning. Students work in groups throughout the program, collaborating closely...
비즈니스마스터, #MBA, #로스쿨, #JD 과정, #장학금 등 #유학을... Admissions TALK 란 GRE® 성적으로 갈 수 있는 여러 MBA 중, 학생들이 가장 선호하는 일본, 싱가폴, 중국, 홍콩의 주요 MBA 및 Business...
The benefits of studying for an MBA degree are endless, but what are the top 10 skills that this prestigious degree will teach you? Find out more.
these skills in an MBA classroom,” Davis says. Susan Cera, MBA director at Stratus... Knowing how to effectively communicate is an important soft skill for MBA candidates and their future...
Strengthening soft skills might be trickier as a remote worker, but it can be done! Rebecca Knight notes in a January '24 HBR article that one way to do this…