오늘 눈에 띄는 미국 Database Manager 채용공고 13,000개+. 인맥을 활용하여 기회의 문을 넓히세요. 새로운 Database Manager 채용공고가 매일 올라옵니다.
Oracle Enterprise Manager는 모든 클라우드 또는 온프레미스에 배포된 Oracle Database와 엔지니어드 시스템을 위한 포괄적인 모니터링 및 관리 솔루션입니다.
maintain database solutions and data warehousing to support... Database modeling, architecture design, development, backup... other database components to support the existing & new...
Database administrator is needed for CDRSS. The New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) is... evaluation, database driven Web sites, office operations. Maintain and monitor Web server and...
Enterprise Manager Database Express 12c (EM Express), a web-based tool for managing Oracle Database 12c, is available on Oracle Database Exadata Cloud at Customer database deployments created using...
secret, you must provide the secret in the correct JSON structure. When you use the console to store a database secret, Secrets Manager automatically creates it in the correct JSON structure.
Enterprise Manager Database Express (EM Express), a web-based tool for managing Oracle Database, is available on Oracle Database Exadata Cloud at Customer database deployments created using Oracle...
Oracle Enterprise Manager is a comprehensive monitoring and management solution for Oracle Database and Engineered Systems deployed in any cloud or on-premises.
직급 : 과장·부장, 고용형태 : 풀타임, 직종 : IT, 업계 : 테크놀로지, 인포메이션, 인터넷
Download Orbada - Database manager for free. Database SQL, query tool, using JDBC for Oracle,SQLite,PostgreSQL,etc. ORBADA is a database, SQL, query client using JDBC drivers. It is a tool to admin...