Knowing the estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor status of your breast cancer is important in deciding treatment options. Read more here.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School - Cited by 43,242 - Biostatistics - Clinical Trials - Breast Cancer
Michaela's journey inspires others and raise awareness about colorectal cancer and the importance of immunotherapy.
갑상샘암 또는 갑상선암(甲狀腺癌, thyroid cancer)은 내분비 기관인 갑상샘(갑상선)에 생기는 암을... 역형성(역분화/미분화) 갑상샘암(Anaplastic thyroid cancer)은 극히 분화가 좋지 않은 갑상선 암으로, 역형성...
I am an attending physician on the inpatient Infectious Diseases Service. My clinical practice focuses on bacterial, viral, parasitic, and fungal infections in highly immunocompromised patients, in...
胃癌 / gastric cancer 위장에서 생기는 암이다. 대한민국에서 폐암, 간암, 대장암, 췌장암과 함께 암 사망자 수 상위에서 늘 빠지지 않는 무서운 질병이다. 한국과 일본에서 발생률이 높으며, 특히 한국은 세계 1위의...
I am a board-certified medical oncologist specializing in the care of patients with lung cancer. I serve as MSK's Cancer Center Deputy Director. I am also co-chair of the Eastern Cooperative Oncolo...
The Houston Chronicle reported the complex dealings between the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and private investors involved in the establish...
大腸癌 / colon cancer 대장에 생기는 암을 말한다. 보통 결장과 직장을 합쳐 대장으로 분류하므로 결장암과 직장암을 합쳐 대장암으로 통칭한다. 대장암의 경우, 조직학적으로 점막(mucosa)에서 시작되는 선암...
The AACR is the first and largest cancer research organization. Our mission is to prevent and cure cancer through research, education, communication, collaboration, funding, and advocacy. Our 58,000 members translate innovative science into cancer cures.