[Linux] ReaR 를 이용하여 OS Backup 구성 ReaR 란? ReaR 또는 Relax & Recover는 마이그레이션 및 재해 복구 도구입니다. ReaR는 실행중인 Linux 시스템에 대한 부팅 가능한 이미지를 생성하며 필요한 경우에는 백업된 이미지를 사용하여 시스템을 복구 할 수 있습니다. 백업된 이미지를 사용하여 OS를 다른 하드웨어로...
Automated postgreSQL backup on Linux. Contribute to Bot-Zavod/pg_backup development by creating an account on GitHub.
scripts to backup linux systems quickly and efficiently - GitHub - berrabe/automate-linux-backup: scripts to backup linux systems quickly and efficiently
Automated PostgreSQL Backup on Linux. Contribute to tmiland/pgbackup development by creating an account on GitHub.
pg_backup.config ; ## POSTGRESQL BACKUP CONFIG ## ; # Optional system user to run backups as. If the user the script is running as doesn't match this ; # the script terminates. Leave blank to skip check.
Backup your linux system drive directly to your mega.nz account. - GitHub - szymontex/backup-system-drive-to-meganz: Backup your linux system drive directly to your mega.nz account.
Automated backup and system updates for RHEL/Fedora based Linux OSes that use the DNF package manager and Timeshift backup utility. - TActually/AutoSHIfT
Automated Backup on Linux with admin notification by mail Raw pg_backup.config POSTGRESQL BACKUP CONFIG Optional system user to run backups as. If the user the script is running as doesn't...
Our main objective in this article is to take backup of a specified folder in Linux by compressing it and storing it in a backup directory.
rsync is a protocol built for Unix-like systems that provides unbelievable versatility for backing up and synchronizing data. It can be used locally to back up files to different directories or can be configured to sync across the Internet to other hosts. It can be used on Windows systems but is only available through various ports (such as Cygwin), so in this how-to we will be talking about setting it up on Linux. First, we need to install/update the rsync client. On Red Hat distributions, the ...