Learn Arts and Humanities or improve your skills online today. Choose from a wide range of Arts and Humanities courses offered from top universities and industry leaders. Our Arts and Humanities co...
Learn Arts and Humanities or improve your skills online today. Choose from a wide range of Arts and Humanities courses offered from top universities and industry leaders. Our Arts and Humanities co...
A liberal arts courses contest is held on the theme How about these kinds of liberal arts courses?.
Program Overview ; Emphasizes the Catholic intellectual tradition. Offers a fully online liberal arts program for the professional development of catechists, parents, aspiring Catholic school teachers, those seeking a career in the Catholic Church, and anyone else who may later seek a higher degree in the liberal arts. Credits earned may be applied toward the BA in Theology Degree.
ACE 프로그램 소개: The Asian Consortium for Excellence in Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Education CAMPUS Asia는 Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students in Asia의 약자로 한, 일, 중, 그리고 ASEAN...
이전 학점 최대 64학점 조지타운 대학교는 군사 훈련을 포함하여 최대 64학점까지 편입 학점을 인정합니다. 이는 경우에 따라 집중 또는 선택 과목에 적용할 수 있습니다. 재정 지원 & 장학금 연방 재정 지원 외에도 평생교육원에서는 교육비를 지원하기 위해 장학금 을 제공합니다. 군 관련 학생 및 재향 군인의 경우 학비 혜택을 받을 수도 있습니다.
Online B.A. in Liberal Arts from Cairn ; Biblical Integration · Cairn University is committed to the centrality of Christ and the Word of God and is reflected in the curriculum and instruction. At Cairn, faith and truth do matter. We teach our students accordingly, challenge you to think deeply on these things, and strive to make you ready to serve Christ in the church, society, and the world as biblically minded men and women who not only give assent to truth but think and live in light of it...
Ready to be a Boilermaker? Explore the online Liberal Arts programs taught by Purdue faculty and designed for learners who seek flexible, innovative, and empowering opportunities.
Such a course of study contrasts with those that are principally vocational, professional, or technical, as well as religiously based courses. The term liberal arts for an educational...
College of Liberal Arts