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This is a list of the first women lawyer(s) and judge(s) in Maine. It includes the year in which the women were admitted to practice law (in parentheses). Also included are women who achieved other distinctions such becoming the first in their state to graduate from law school or become a ...
If you have any Maine car accident legal questions, call right now and talk to a lawyer. 1-888-577-5988, 24/7. We are here to help!…
A Maine lawyer may lose his license after being charged with trespassing, assault, and attempted theft. The lawyer has represented detainees from Guantanamo Bay.
If you have any Maine mesothelioma legal questions, call right now and talk to a lawyer. 1-888-636-4454, 24/7. We are here to help!
If you have any Maine personal injury legal questions, call right now and talk to a lawyer. 1-888-577-5988, 24/7. We are here to help!…
In Fight for Marriage Rights, ‘She’s Our Thurgood Marshall’ Share full article Mary Bonauto argued a Defense of Marriage Act case when Justice Elena Kagan was President Obama’s...
AUGUSTA, Maine — A 33-year-old labor lawyer from Portland is the new chairman of the Maine Democratic Party. The Maine Democratic State Committee on
Two attorneys, concerned about Maine’s legal defense system for the poor, are urging the state's highest court to release a woman they say has been jailed for more than 80 days without a court-appo...
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