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Enhancing law enforcement with grant funding for drone technology

Looking to navigate the complexities of grants funding? Lexipol is your go-to resource for state-specific, fully-developed grants services that can help fund your needs. Find out more about our grants services here. By Lisa Lovering · Law enforcement agencies face numerous challenges in ensuring public safety and responding to emergencies. Some of these challenges include difficult terrain that can be inaccessible or hazardous, hindering rapid response and investigation efforts. Another challe...

Law Enforcement Technology | Homeland Security Newswire

High-Tech Methods to Stem the Flow of Fentanyl ; How AI Can Enhance the Accuracy of Eyewitness Identification ; U.K. Courts Are Getting It Wrong on Eyewitness Evidence: Study

Law Enforcement and Technology: Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Law Enforcement and Technology: Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems August 22, 2023 Congressional Research Service https://crsreports.congress.gov R47660 Congressional Research Service SUMMARY...

2023 Police and Law Enforcement Grants - Apex Officer

Comprehensive list of police and law enforcement grants and funding opportunities for public safety.

Law enforcement technology

Learning about ShotSpotter — and Gun Violence — from Chicago ; Optimizing the Use of Video Technology to Improve Criminal Justice Outcomes ; Officer Perceptions of the Impact of Mobile Broadband Technology on Police Operations

High-Priority Information Technology Needs for Law Enforcement

Additional Details ; Agencies · NIJ-Sponsored ; Publication Type · Report (Study/Research) · Report (Grant Sponsored) · Program/Project Description

Operation of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC)

These funds to Aspen Systems Corporation are for the continued operations and maintenance of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center-National (NLECTC-National). This center s...

Grants for law enforcement agencies - Magnet Forensics

Stay up to date with the latest grants available for law enforcement agencies so your team can get the latest digital forensics tools.

How Does Technology Help Law Enforcement - Virtra

How does technology help law enforcement? Read this article from VirTra for a list of up-and-coming advances that law enforcement officers should consider.

16.843 - Gulf States Regional Law Enforcement Technology Training and Technical Assistance Initiative

The Gulf States Regional Law Enforcement Technology Training and Technical Assistance Initiative (CFDA 16.843) focuses on improving information and intellige...

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