This list of largest universities by enrollment in the world includes total active enrollment across all campuses, as well as off-campus study. The enrollment numbers listed are the sum of undergraduate and graduate students in active enrollment. The universities included below confer degr...
From Texas A&M's academic excellence to UT Austin's global impact, investigate the largest U.S. universities with enrollments exceeding 50,000 students.
The world's largest universities in terms of enrollment include the India Gandhi national Open University in Delhi, the California Community Colleges System, and the National University of Bangladesh.
University, Location, Enrollment ; University of Toronto, Toronto, Scarborough, Mississauga, Ontario, 60,660 ; Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, 41,055 ; York University, Toronto, Ontario, 46,640
The Bottom Line Large endowments allow universities to offset operational costs, fund research, and provide financial aid. While the top five schools with the largest endowments are...
President of largest Christian university in the nation says it's being unjustly targeted by... other universities like it on April 10. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., asked Cardona how the...
University of Houston, 휴스턴. 좋아하는 사람 213,803명 · 이야기하고 있는 사람들 5,390명 · 467,278명이 방문했습니다. Founded in 1927, the University of Houston is the largest public...
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A massive strike at the nation's largest public university system ended in just a day after the union representing California State University faculty members reached a tentative contract...
The four largest universities in the UK with the highest enrollment of students are University of London, Open University, Open University in England, and University of Manchester. These...