15. Property taxation was published in Modern Fiscal Issues on page 292.
11.12.2006 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 347/1 COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2006/112/EC of... (18) It is necessary to clarify the definition of the place of taxation of certain...
Value-added tax (VAT) is collected on a product at every stage of the supply chain where value is added to it, from production to point of sale.
Review tax treaties between the United States and foreign countries. The treaties give foreign residents and U.S. citizens/residents a reduced tax rate or exemption on worldwide income.
Optimal labour income tax is a sub-area of optimal tax theory which refers to the study of designing a tax on individual labour income such that a given economic criterion like social welfare is optimized. Efficiency-equity tradeoff The modern literature on optimal labour income taxation l...
Après l'accord politique obtenu au G20 Finance en juillet à Venise, les ultimes tractations ont permis d'arriver à un compromis définitif.
Une étude d’ampleur de l’Institut des politiques publiques, portant sur des données de 2016, met en cause la réalité de la progressivité de l’impôt pour les 0,0002 % des foyers français les plus ri...
Earnings management through real activities manipulation ; International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): pros and cons for investors ; The importance of reporting incentives: Earnings management in European private and public firms
Titre: Loi fédérale du 21 juin 1996 sur l'imposition des véhicules automobiles (Limpauto),Titre court: Limpauto,Décision: 21 juin 1996
A list of phrases related to the word taxation