두뇌동기연구소 김성화 박사수료생이 고려대학교 일반대학원 재학생 중 특별히 우수한 학문적 성취와 리더십을 보인 학생에게 주어지는 2023년도 KU Graduate School Achievement Award 수상자로...
본 대학원에서는 본교 대학원생의 뛰어난 학문적, 사회적 업적을 발굴 및 격려함으로써 성취 의욕을 고취하기 위하여 연 1회 대학원생 대상의 KU Graduate School Achievement Award를 시행하고 있습니다....
Korea University's Division of International Studies (DIS) and Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) are leading academic programs in their field in Asia. With the aim of training experts...
Global Leader Scholarship (Scholarship Type A), Cumulative GPA from the previous (latest) school of 4.0 or higher (out of 4.5), 3.83 or higher (out of 4.3), 3.57 or higher (out of 4.0), or 90 or higher (out of 100) ; Humanities and Social Sciences Scholarship (Scholarship Type B), Cumulative GPA from the previous (latest) school of 3.5 or higher (out of 4.5), 3.36 or higher (out of 4.3), 3.14 or higher (out of 4.0), or 85 or higher (out of 100) ; Natural Science and Engineering Scholarship (Scholarship Type C), Cumulative GPA from the previous (latest) school of 3.5 or higher (out of 4.5), 3.36 or higher (out of 4.3), 3.14 or higher (out of 4.0), or 85 or higher (out of 100)
1. Qualification ; 2. Selection Methods: Document Screening & Oral Examination ; 2.2 Oral Examination ; 3. Application for Admission ; 4.4 Additional Required Documents for International Students ; 6. Required Documents Regarding Eligibility ; 7. Oral Examination Date & Location ; 8. Announcement of Successful Applicants
Main Headers ; Admissions ; Current Students ; Faculty & Staff
Korea University's Division of International Studies (DIS) and Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) are leading academic programs in their field in Asia. With the aim of training experts...
2020 KU Graduate Student Achievement Award 수상 강서현, 변서은, 정상민 (통합과정생; 지도교수: 윤효재) 강서현 변서은 정상민 본교 대학원생의 뛰어난 학문적 업적을 발굴하고 격려함으로써 성취 의욕을 고취하고 고려대...
Korea University's Division of International Studies (DIS) and Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) are leading academic programs in their field in Asia. With the aim of training experts...
2022학년도 KU Graduate School Achievement Award 안내 가. 목적 : 본교 대학원생의 뛰어난 학문적ㆍ사회적 업적을 발굴, 격려함으로써 성취 의욕을 고취하고 고려대학교 대학원생의 우수성을...