기술과 경영의 융합형 글로벌 인재양성, 산업별, 풀타임/파트타임 세분화된 카이스트MBA
Nurturing talented individuals through the convergence of technology and management
Bae, Bo-Kyung(Executive Education Director) - KAIST Business School, the Partner for WEF Survey in 2010 - USC Marshall MBA Global Consulting Challenge Power Zone - ‘Passion for Work...
KAIST Business School Homepage Open!!! http://business.kaist.ac.kr/eng/
KAIST Business School proudly shares a close connection with the world’s finest institutions and students. The school has selective dual-degree and exchange programs and the percentage of...
KAIST Business School E-Newsletter is an online newsletter which delivers campus news to all KAIST people in each season. (Korean version only)
구분: 원서접수, 봄학기: 7월 초, 가을학기: 4월 초, 접수·확인: KAIST 입시시스템 ( https://apply.kaist.ac.kr/GradApply ) ; 구분: 서류제출, 봄학기: 7월 중, 가을학기: 4월 중, 접수·확인: (우 34141)대전광역시 유성구 대학로 291 KAIST 양분순빌딩(E16-1) 1층 110호 대학원입학팀 ; 구분: 1단계 합격자 발표, 봄학기: 8월 초, 가을학기: 5월 초, 접수·확인: KAIST 입시시스템 ( https://apply.kaist.ac.kr/GradApply ) ; 구분: 면접전형, 봄학기: 8월 중, 가을학기: 5월 중, 접수·확인: 1단계 합격자 발표 시 게시함 ; 구분: 최종합격자 발표, 봄학기: 9월 중, 가을학기: 6월 중, 접수·확인: KAIST 입시시스템 ( https://apply.kaist.ac.kr/GradApply )
(Korean version only) = Contents = Intro - Globalization of KAIST Business School has already begun_Dean K. Ravi Kumar - Suggestion to strengthen IT Industry in Korean Market_KOSCOM CEO Kim...
The Global Enabling Trade Report 2009 to be released on 7 July 2009. As our valued Partner Institute, please find attached the exclusive preview of the results including the Executive...
From KAIST Business School, the Dean Prof. Byungtae Lee, Prof. Okyu Kwon, Prof. Jisoo Kim, Prof. Bokyung Bae, Prof. Kuhyun Jung, Prof. Inmoo Lee (Dean, KAIST Graduate School of Finance and...