The Journal of Counseling Psychology is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the American Psychological Association. It was established in 1954 and covers research in counseling psychology. The current editor-in-chief is Dennis M. Kivlighan, Jr. (University of Maryland, College Pa...
상담학 질적 연구 동향분석(2012년∼2017년): 상담 관련 국내 학술지 및 Journal of Counseling Psychology 게재논문 비교중심으로Trend Analysis of Qualitative Research in Counseling(2012∼2017): Centered on the Comparison of Studies Publis...
상담학 질적 연구 동향분석, 2012년~2017년 :Trend Analysis of Qualitative Research in Counseling, 2012~2017 : Centered on the Comparison of Studies Published in Domestic Journals and Journal of Counseling Psychol...
원문이용안내 ; 모든 이용자 ; 협정기관 이용자 ; 국회도서관 방문 이용자 ; 기사명/저자명 : 상담심리학 연구 동향 : 상담 및 심리치료학회지 게재논문(2012~2016) 분석 및 Journal of Counseling Psychology 게재논문과 비교를 중심으로 = Research Trends in Korean Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy and Journal of Counseling Psychology (2012~2016) : A Comparison of Research / 박경애, 백지은, 발행사항 : 서울 : 한국상담심...
This study analyzed the data through APIM based on MLM to investigate the interaction of counselor and client in the effects of counseling expectation and working alliance on session evaluation. For this purpose, counseling expectation was...
United States ; Universities and research institutions in United States ; Media Ranking in United States
Vol.43 No.1 ; Effectiveness of Family Participation Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Meta-Analysis ; Preliminary Validation of a Korean Version of the Body Investment Scale ; A Meta-Analysis on Effects of Post-Intervention Program for Adolescent Victims of School Bullying: Focusing on Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment
Journal of Counseling Psychology | Citations: 3,553 | The Journal of Counseling Psychology publishes empirical research in the areas of (a) counseling activities (including assessment, intervention...
상담심리학 연구 동향: 상담 및 심리치료학회지 게재논문(2012~2016) 분석 및 Journal of Counseling Psychology 게재논문과 비교를 중심으로
Journal of Counseling Psychology 1984,Vol.31,No.4,5...