ISO Travel Solutions News launches with new Internet Booking Engine for motorhome travel from ISO Travel Solutions 08 Nov 2023 Read current news Thanks to the bus module...
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Acronym: A-PBA, Name: Asia-Pacific Biosafety Association ; Acronym: AAA, Name: Asian Apicultural Association ; Acronym: AAC, Name: Aluminium Anodizers Council ; Acronym: AACC, Name: AACC International ; Acronym: AACEi, Name: AACE International ; Acronym: AATCC, Name: American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists ; Acronym: AAUS, Name: American Academy of Underwater Sciences ; Acronym: ABC4Trust, Name: ABC4Trust - Attribute-based Credentials for Trust ; Acronym: ABSA, Name: American Biological Safety Association ; Acronym: ABU, Name: Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union ; Acronym: ACCA, Name: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ; Acronym: ACCT, Name: Association for Challenge Course Technology ; Acronym: ACI, Name: Airport Council International ; Acronym: ACi_, Name: Association of Corporate Investigators ; Acronym: ACM SIGPLAN-HILT, Name: Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Ada ; Acronym: ACTUS, Name: Financial Research Foundation, Inc. ; Acronym: ADBank, Name: Asian Development Bank ; Acronym: ADRC, Name: Asian Disaster Reduction Center ; Acronym: AEF, Name: Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation ; Acronym: AEM, Name: World Manufacturer Code - AEM Association of Equipment Manufacturers ; Acronym: AEQ, Name: European Association of Manufacturers of Quality Metal Expansion Joints, Metal Bellow and Metal Hoses ; Acronym: AES, Name: Audio Engineering Society ; Acronym: AFACT, Name: Asia Pacific Council for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business ; Acronym: AFCA, Name: Asian Financial Cooperation Association ; Acronym: AFECOR, Name: European Control Manufacturers Association ; Acronym: AFPC, Name: Advanced Function Presentation Consortium ; Acronym: African EF, Name: AEF ; Acronym: AfWA, Name: African Water Association ; Acronym: AGICOA, Name: The Association for the International Collective Management of Audiovisual Works ; Acronym: AHWP, Name: Asian Harmonization Working Party ; Acronym: AIB_Association of Issuing Bodies, Name: Association of Issuing Bodies ivzw ; Acronym: AIDIS, Name: Asociación Interamericana de Ingenieria Sanitaria y Ambiental ; Acronym: AIHA, Name: American Industrial Hygiene Association ; Acronym: AIIC, Name: International Association of Conference Interpreters ; Acronym: AILA, Name: International Association of Applied Linguistics ; Acronym: AIM Global, Name: Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility ; Acronym: AIMF, Name: International Association of Francophone Mayors ; Acronym: AIPC, Name: International Association of Convention Centres ; Acronym: AISE, Name: International Association for Soaps, Detergent and Maintenance Products ; Acronym: AIT, Name: International Touring Alliance ; Acronym: AIToxicologists, Name: Association of Inhalation Toxicologists ; Acronym: AKMS, Name: Arab Knowledge Management Society ; Acronym: AMCA, Name: AMCA International Inc. ; Acronym: AMPP, Name: Association for Materials Protection and Performance ; Acronym: ANEC, Name: The European consumer voice in standardisation ; Acronym: ANF HQ, Name: Thailand Science Park Project ; Acronym: ANNA, Name: Association of National Numbering Agencies ; Acronym: ANRRC, Name: Asian Network of Research Resource Centers ; Acronym: AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Name: AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Association of Analytical Communities ; Acronym: AOCS, Name: American Oil Chemists' Society ; Acronym: APAC, Name: Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation Incorporated (APAC) ; Acronym: APDS, Name: Alliance for Parking Data Standards Ltd. ; Acronym: APEC, Name: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation ; Acronym: APF, Name: Asian Packaging Federation ; Acronym: APIMONDIA, Name: International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations ; Acronym: APO, Name: Asian Productivity Organization ; Acronym: APPLiA, Name: Home Appliance Europe ; Acronym: AQUATIL, Name: aquatil gGmbh ; Acronym: ARC/IPRG, Name: Apiceutical Research Centre / International Propolis Research Group ; Acronym: AREA, Name: Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance ; Acronym: ARGE, Name: The European Federation of Locks and Building Hardware Manufacturers ; Acronym: ARIA, Name: Americas Research Industry Alliance ; Acronym: ASAM, Name: Association for Standardisation of Automation and Measuring Systems (ASAM e.V.) ; Acronym: ASD-STAN, Name: AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe - Standardization ; Acronym: ASEAN Cosmetics Association, Name: ASEAN Cosmetic Association (ACA) ; Acronym: ASEF, Name: Active Shipbuilding Experts' Federation ; Acronym: ASI, Name: Aluminium Stewardship Initiative ; Acronym: ASIC, Name: International Association on Coffee Science - ASIC ; Acronym: ASIS, Name: ASIS International ; Acronym: ASLM, Name: African Society for Laboratory Medicine ; Acronym: ASQ, Name: American Society for Quality ; Acronym: ASTM, Name: ASTM International ; Acronym: ATIBT, Name: International Technical Tropical Timber Association ; Acronym: ATIS, Name: Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions ; Acronym: ATPA, Name: Asia Toy and Play Association Limited ; Acronym: ATSC, Name: The Advanced Television System Committee ; Acronym: ATTA, Name: Adventure Travel Trade Association ; Acronym: AUF, Name: Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie ; Acronym: AVS, Name: Audio Video Coding Standard Workgroup of China ; Acronym: AYICC, Name: The African Youth Initiative for Climate Change
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The advanced online travel technology platforms available today support travel business clients with the latest and most effective online travel solutions, including customized online booking engin...
Travel & Hospitality Industry Overview ; Modern software gives travel organizations access to the global market and a more comprehensive range of opportunities. But it won’t make a business successful overnight. Business development managers have to consider the growth of travelers’ demands due to increasing competition and, hence, a variety of options to choose from. To attract wider audiences and adjust to unexpected macroeconomic factors, traveling is becoming a tech-driven industry aimin...