Overview ; The ad network API helps advertisers measure the success of ad campaigns while maintaining user privacy. The API involves three participants: Ad networks register with Apple to get an ad network ID and to use the API. Developers configure their apps to accept attributable ads from ad networks, and to receive copies of winning postbacks. For information about setup, see Registering an ad network, Configuring a source app, and Configuring an advertised app. For information about display...
설치하기 2022년 10월 기준 Network Link Conditioner는 Apple Developer 사이트에서 다운로드할 수 있어요. Apple Developer Downloads 로그인 - Apple idmsa.apple.com Additional Tools 혹은 Network Link Conditioner로...
Essentials ; enum · NWEndpoint · A local or remote endpoint in a network connection. ; class · NWParameters · An object that stores the protocols to use for connections, options for sending data, and network path constraints.
iOS용 Facebook SDK 및 iOS용 Audience Network SDK를 App Store 검수 요구 사항을 위한 개인정보 보호 매니페스트로 업데이트 Meta는 광고 목적으로 필요한 개인정보 보호 매니페스트부터 시작하여 iOS용 Facebook SDK 및 iOS용 Audience Network SDK를 위한 개인정보 보호 매니페스트를 제공할 예정입니다. 참고: 개발자는 Meta SDK용 개인정보 보호 매니페스트에서 추적 도메인 필드에 관한 추가적인 상세 정...
Section 1 · Fetch quake location ; Each Quake object in the USGS feed has a details property with a URL value. The URL provides additional information for the Quake, including its location. In Decoding structured JSON, you wrote a decoder to read data and produce a QuakeLocation. In this section, you’ll update the client to fetch and decode a QuakeLocation. The app will cache every location it fetches in an instance of NSCache. Each entry in the cache holds one of two values: Later in this t...
iOS 앱에 Audience Network SDK를 포함하는 방법을 설명합니다.
Instance Property · networkName ; iOS 16.1+ · iPadOS 16.1+ · Mac Catalyst 16.1+ · macOS 13.0+ · tvOS 16.1+ · visionOS 1.0+ · watchOS 9.1+
Share credentials and choose a designated network for each home. iOS 15.0+ · macOS 13.0+ · Mac Catalyst 16.1+ · visionOS 1.0+ · iPadOS 15.0+
Debugging HTTP Proxies ; Charles HTTP Proxy · A debugging HTTP proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and HTTPS traffic between their machine and the internet. ; mitmproxy · A free and open source interactive debugging HTTP proxy. The name stands for machine-in-the-middle proxy.
Creating Path Monitors ; init() ; init(requiredInterfaceType: NWInterface.InterfaceType) ; init(prohibitedInterfaceTypes: [NWInterface.InterfaceType]) ; func ; var