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Introduction to Project Management

Beginners guide to the basics of project management

Introduction to Project Management (1.5-Hour Beginner Project)

2시간 이내에 이 안내 프로젝트를 완료하세요. This course is designed to give you the fundamentals of Project Management. You will learn the basic principles of Project ...

프로젝트 관리 소개

학습 내용 ; 프로젝트 관리와 그 이점, 프로젝트에서 프로젝트 관리가 하는 역할에 대해 설명하세요 ; 프로젝트 관리자가 누구와 함께 일하는지, 다양한 프로젝트 관리 방법론 및 프로젝트 관리의 최근 동향을 설명합니다 ; 프로젝트 관리자의 일반적인 책임과 이러한 책임을 완수하는 데 필요한 스킬 세트를 요약하세요

Intro to Digital Project Management

Learn the basics of Digital Project Management and master the skills necessary to successfully manage digital projects in this free Udacity online course.

무료 튜토리얼 - An Introduction to Project Management - A 20 Minute Primer

A brief introduction and insight into what project management is, including key terms and concepts used in projects - 무료 강의

Introduction to Project Management for Management Consultant

A practical guide on how to manage business projects using hacks from management consulting

무료 PMI Project Management Professional(PMP) 튜토리얼 - Introduction to (PMP) Exam

Understand the main concepts of Project Management and PMP to be a successful Project Manager. - 무료 강의

Introduction to Project Management

Get up to speed on project management for the business you are part of!

AdelaideX: Introduction to Project Management

Institution: AdelaideX · Subject: Business & Management · Level: Introductory

Introduction to Project Management for (Risk) Managers

배울 내용 ; understand the essentials of project management: projects, project management ; projectized organizations, project processes, and knowledge areas. ; get ready to learn about and develop your risk management skills

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