In computing, the proposed Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) protocol allows automated discovery, management and configuration of iSCSI and Fibre Channel devices (using iFCP gateways) on a TCP/IP network. Features iSNS provides management services similar to those found in Fibre Channel...
Cloud storage allows users to save data and files in an off-site location that accessible by way of the public internet or a dedicated private network connection.
bluppfisk (398 posts) • 10 years ago ; Hi · Our company is looking for an internet (cloud, if you must) storage and sharing solution that works in China. Following requirements need to be met: accessible from the internet * fast and reliable access inside China * can store several TB of data * must provide storage (where staff can get their required company data) * must provide sharing option (where users can also upload large files they want to share with certain colleagues) * must cost les...
Hello, DynamoDB Today we are introducing Amazon DynamoDB, our Internet-scale NoSQL database... the storage that you use (there’s no need to pre-provision storage).Again, behind the scenes...
Why are Internet Computer’s storage costs so low? Is it because of the existence of Storage Node? I tried to find information about Storage Node, but could not find it. https://wiki.internetcompute...
Repository containing supporting documents for ISS discussion topics. - labkode/Internet-Storage-Sync
Any service, including storage, available over the Internet, is called a Cloud service. If you use GMAIL it is email in the Cloud, if you use an Amazon MP3 player, that’s music in the...
Samsung Internet Storage_API 55 79 57 No 42 15.2 55 55 57 42 15.2 6.0 estimate 61 79 57 No 48 17 61 61 57 45 17 8.0 getDirectory 86 86 111 No 72 15.2 109 109 111 74 15.2 21.0 persist 55 79 57 No 42 15.2 55 55 57 42 15.2 6.0 persisted 55...
Hello, So, i have a mini NAS which has 6 SSDs. It is connected directly to the client, without any switch. My question is, is it possible to have internet on the client side? The network is direct 10GbE. If i connect using WiFi, the client shifts to 1GbE speeds which i really don't prefer. So, is there any workaround or something where i can use 1GbE/onboard/WiFi for the internet and the other NIC (10GbE) for accessing the NAS. Thanks ; NugentS ...
the Internet-2 Dis- tributed Storage Initiative. 1 Introduction The proliferation of applications that are performance lim- ited by network speeds leads us to explore new ways to exploit...