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Disability Employment Services - Speak to APM about finding a job with a disability, injury or health con....

We're dedicated to finding the right job match for eligible people with disability, injury, or a health condition, with employers big and small.

Hiller Comerford Injury & Disability Law

Hiller Comerford Injury & Disability Law | LinkedIn 팔로워 183명 | At Hiller Comerford Injury & Disability Law, our attentive attorneys provide effective representation to clients pursuing personal inj...

Getting support if you have illness, injury or disability

Find out what payments and support are available if you have illness, injury or disability.

Self-injury in children with intellectual disability - Cerebra

We are delighted to publish our new comprehensive guide for parents on ‘Self-injury in children with intellectual disability’ in partnership with the Cerebra Network for Neurodevelopmental Disorder...

Injury prevention for children with disabilities

********@************.*** Abstract Little injury data exists for children who have... a disability in the home. Parents must be aware of the risk of falls to children who are mobile but...

Disability Rating Scale

Injury, Int J. 42:281-287 Rappaport, et al. (1982) Disability Rating Scale for Severe Head Trauma Patients: Coma to Community. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , 63:118-123....

Supports for people with disabilities | Alberta.ca

Special needs housing, parking placards, FASD, brain injury, PDD, FSCD and other disability-related services.

Kitchener Personal Injury & Disability Lawyers - Deutschmann Law

Deutschmann Law assists Personal Injury victims in the greater Kitchener Waterloo area, suffering from accident injuries or disability.

Injury impairment and disability scales to assess the permanent consequences of

Impairment and disability caused by injury are major public health costs in terms of monetary losses and personal suffering. Currently, there is no satisfactory method of measuring these losses. Im...

Disability, injury prevention and rehabilitation

Disability, injury prevention and rehabilitation

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