Article Noun incorporation in Guaraní: a functional analysis was published on January 1, 1995 in the journal Linguistics (volume 33, issue 4).
In this paper, dopant incorporation is considered and compared for various dopants in the context of dopant incorporation efficiency. By using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), the...
crystallization in the presence of water vapor of chlorinated... We found in-situ exposure to water vapor reduces, or... Based on the in situ results, hot casting (<100 °C) in dry...
Protactinium contamination is a mayor issue in the thorium fuel cycle. We investigate, in this work, the consequences of Pa incorporation in vacancy defects and interstitials in Th, ThC and ThN. We...
An optical spacer and a processing additive (PA) offer various advantages in the enhancement of the photocurrent in a polymer solar cell, but successful incorporation of both in one device has yet...
the incorporation of cerium, as a simulant for plutonium, on both zirconolite's Ca and Zr... The existence of alternative charge compensation schemes, predominantly cation vacancies, in...
dications by oxidative doping has been demonstrated. In this paper we describe a general synthetic approach to PTV oligomers functionalized for copolymer formation by step-growth reaction.
Thus, REE incorporation in the crystalline solids decreases in conjunction with a decrease in the ratio of surface area/volume of the crystals, a decrease in the rate of crystal growth as...
The minimization of the trade-off between the flux and the selectivity of membranes is a key area that researchers are continually working to optimise, particularly in the area of fabrication of no...
AbstractThe incorporation of Pu and Np in one zirconolite and a number of perovskite formulations has been investigated under oxidising and reducing conditions. The Pu valence in both perovskite an...