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impaired - Merriam-Webster

Brennan supports the use of corticosteroids in the treatment of inflammation, swelling, pain and impaired joint movement. Stan Bergstein ; Finding jobs can be difficult for visually impaired adults. About 70 percent of them are unemployed, the National Federation of the Blind says. Eric Aasen ; … some GERD patients have impaired gut motility, meaning that their stomachs empty too slowly. Andrew Weil

Impaired driving in Canada, 2019

Using data from the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR), this Juristat article presents data on police-reported impaired driving, including data specific to drug-impaired driving. More precisely,...

Impaired | definition of impaired by Medical dictionary

Looking for online definition of impaired in the Medical Dictionary? impaired explanation free. What is impaired? Meaning of impaired medical term. What does impaired mean?

Impaired Driving - Province of British Columbia

A definition of impaired driving.

Impaired Driving

Impaired driving is defined as driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol and/or legal (prescription and over-the-counter) and/or illegal drugs. In Florida, impaired driving is involved in about one-quarter of all motor vehicle deaths. It is a complex social issue that involves all areas of the criminal justice, health care, and education systems. To review the complete statutory language, please refer to section 316.193, Florida Statutes, or visit the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles...

impaired - Wiktionary

Derived terms Collocations Translations Verb impaired simple past and past participle of impair Noun impaired ( plural impaireds ) A criminal charge for driving a vehicle while impaired.

Drug-impaired driving

Drug-impaired driving , or drug driving , in the context of its legal definition, is the act of driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of an impairing substance. DUID , or...

Impaired driving in Canada, 2015

Start of text box Text box 1 Definition of impaired driving Definition of impaired driving used in the first two sections of this report is the one used in the Criminal Code: 253 (1) Every...

4 Synonyms & Antonyms for DRUNK DRIVING | Thesaurus.com

Discover More ; When asked to name a word or phrase to describe each candidate, Min’s most frequent open-ended mention was “DUI” or “Drunk driving.” · From Los Angeles Times ; At the same time, the conservative Win It Back and Club For Growth Action have sent out mailers to voters in the district criticizing Min on criminal justice issues like cash bail and his drunk driving arrest. From Los Angeles Times ; Supporters of later last-call times contend it would be a boon for local econ...

Impairs - definition of impairs by The Free Dictionary

impair ; [C14: from Old French empeirer to make worse, from Late Latin pējorāre, from Latin pejor worse; see pejorative] · imˈpairable adj · imˈpairer n · imˈpairment n · Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

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