A recent study from the University of Florida, sheds new light on optimal practices for maintaining the health and performance of ultradwarf hybrid bermudagrass, a popular turf variety for golf cou...
Dr. Glen Burton and the Early Years ; Tifton Station Hits Its Stride ; The Golf Boom ; The Ultradwarf Revolution ; Breeding Cold-Tolerant Bermudagrasses ; A New Generation of Breeders, A New Set of Challenges ; Final Thoughts
Potential herbicides for hybrid Bermudagrass control were evaluated using single, repeat, and multiyear applications. Repeat applications were made 30 d after the first application...
UC IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Bermudagrass ; Improved hybrids of bermudagrass (Tifgreen, Tifdwarf, Tifway, Santa Ana) with fine leaves and a longer season of dark green color have been developed specifically for use as turfgrass. These hybrid varieties do not produce seed, whereas common bermudagrass produces seeds that remain viable in soil for at least 2 years. Bermudagrass is a low-growing, wiry perennial that has two types of shoots: those aboveground (stolons) and those belowground (rhizomes). The stolons and rhizome ...
Like any grass, hybrid bermudagrass and kikuyugrass have their strengths and weaknesses. The strong lateral growth habit of hybrid bermudagrass and kikuyugrass is a great benefit that contributes to stronger recovery from divot and wear injury, but also causes wavy, bumpy surface conditions that can contribute to mower scalping. This is especially true at mowing heights above 1.5 inches. Summer is a great time to promote a more upright growth habit on hybrid bermudagrass and kikuyugrass by using...
The potential weediness of hybrid bermudagrass cultivars in nontarget areas is an important factor when considering the development of herbicide-resistant cultivars. Field studies evaluated...
Courses are successfully converting fairways to hybrid bermudagrass through soil pulverization. This update will offer the key components and general costs associated with this strategy.
Lawn Burweed (Soliva pterosperma) Control in Hybrid Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon × C. transvaalensis) and Common Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) - Volume 16 Issue 1
A two-year irrigation research trial (2018–2019) was conducted in Parlier, California, to study the response of hybrid bermudagrass and tall fescue to varying irrigation scenarios...
Bermudagrasses (Cynodon species), also called wiregrass, are planted throughout South Carolina. They are used primarily on golf courses, athletic fields, tennis courts, bowling greens and high-quality lawns. Bermudagrass may also be used for roadside bank stabilization and pastures either as a single species stand, or mixed with other low-maintenance grasses. They are primarily used in areas where fine-textured, high-quality turf is essential for sports activities and when maintenance budgets are adequate. On the lower management scale, bermuda ...