Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) is a method of monitoring network availability and activity to identify anomalies, including security and operational issues.
Malware Traffic analysis악성코드 배포하는 네트워크 트래픽 분석 사이트 :
Traffic analysis is the process of intercepting and examining messages in order to deduce information from patterns in communication. It can be performed even when the messages are...
pcap 파일 다운로드는 여기서 👉🏻 - 2015-08-31 - Traffic analysis exercise - What's the EK? - What's the payload? 20...
pcap 파일은 여기서 다운 받을 수 있습니다. 👉🏻 - 2014-11-16 - Traffic analysis exercise
pcap 파일은 여기서 다운 받을 수 있습니다. 👉🏻 - 2014-11-23 - Traffic analysis exercise 2014-11-23 - TRAFFIC ANALYSIS EX...
A site for sharing packet capture (pcap) files and malware samples.
Are you interested in getting URL information from NetFlow? The nProbe NetFlow probe or the nBox can do it. Paul at Plixer International recently wrote a blog on Recommended nProbe Templates . For a foundation on this topic, check out his blog. As an extension of his blog, I’ll explain how to get URLS from the nProbe. Below is a top domain report. For our company, the first page of this report is usually legitimate sites, so I went to page 3 in the pagination. There I noticed ....
pcap 다운로드 👉🏻 - 2016-10-15 - Traffic analysis exercise - Crybaby businessman 2016-10-15 - TRAFFIC ANALYS...
132에서 발생한 HTTP 트래픽 확인 결과, User-agent 내 Window... 180)로 접근한 HTTP 트래픽 확인 * Referer가 hijinksensue[.]com로... 분석하면 HTTP로 접근하여 File을 받았는데 그게 악성 PE...