If you’re just about to start a university or higher education course, the chances are some of your classes will be held virtually. We take a look at how to succeed with online learning by keeping...
Download · AP Conversation Starter (English) · This four-page worksheet helps you get ready to talk to your teacher or counselor about taking AP courses. PDF · 775.29 KB ; Article · AP Conversation Starter in Other Languages · Download the AP Conversation Starter in languages other than English.
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Many universities have begun to teach online amid concerns that traditional classes could spread the coronavirus. Yale-NUS lecturer Catherine Shea Sanger explains how it can be done quickly and eff...
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Most colleges and universities have required core courses for all undergraduate students. No matter your major, your school may want its graduates to have a solid foundation in basic subjects like math, English, social sciences, history, lab science, and possibly a foreign language. To save time and money, consider taking some of these core courses online. This frees up your college schedule for classes that most interest you or may allow you to graduate early. Online classes also usually cost l...
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