Make sure your Italian Moka is bubbling with fresh coffee - we’re about to explore all the different ways you can say good morning + day in Italian!
We give you a quick, and easy lesson of ways how to say good afternoon in Italian, as well as some other common afternoon phrases. Let's go!
Buongiorno Buongiorno how should i say it? @genegene Good morning = Buon giorno @martabiffi did i... "Brava" is like good girl (bravo= good boy) but in Italian we use it to say something like Sei...
Let’s go over some useful phrases you can use to say good evening, goodnight, and sweet dreams in Italian.
Learn how to say hello in Italian with casual, formal, and situational greetings. Master "Ciao," "Buongiorno," and more to speak like a native!
From wine tasting in Tuscany to business in Switzerland, knowing how to say hi in Italian in many ways of greetings will go a long way.
Want to learn how to say goodbye in Italian? There is a farewell phrase in Italy for every situation: read this guide to discover them all.
Knowing a few Italian phrases is essential. To say good evening in Italy, you should say "Buona...
English, Italian, IPA, Italian Pronunciation ; New Year’s Day, 1st January, Capodanno, [kapodˈanno], kah-poh-dahn-noh ; New Year’s Day, 1st January, Primo dell’anno, [prˈimo dellˈanno], pree-moh dehl ahn-noh ; New Year’s Eve, the last day of the year, Ultimo dell’anno, [ˈultimo dˈɛl’ˈanno], ool-tee-moh dehl ahn-noh
Pronto, chi parla? (Hello, who’s speaking?) ; It can also be combined with another greeting when you answer the phone to say something like, “Hello, good morning!” ; Pronto, buongiorno! (Hello, good morning!)