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English, Spanish, IPA Spellinng, Pronunciation ; I love you, Te amo, te ˈamo, Tay ah-mo ; I love you too, Yo también te amo, ˈɟʝo tãmˈbjɛ̃n te ˈamo, Yo tahm-bee-en tay ah-mo ; I love you so much, Te amo demasiado, te ˈamo ðemaˈsjaðo, Tay ah-mo day-ma-see-ah-doh ; I love you more, Te amo más, te ˈamo ˈmas, Tay ah-mo mas ; I love you most, Te amo más que nadie, te ˈamo ˈmas ˈke ˈnaðje, Tay ah-mo mas kay nah-dee-eh ; I love you a lot, Te amo mucho, te ˈamo ˈmuʧo, Tay ah-mo moo-cho ; I love you very much, Te amo muchísimo, te ˈamo muˈʧisimo, Tay ah-mo moo-chee-see-mo ; I love you to the moon and back, Te amo hasta la luna y más allá, te ˈamo ˈasta la ˈluna i̯ ˈmas aˈʝa, Tay ah-mo ahs-tah la loo-na ; I love you with all my heart, Te amo con todo mi corazón, te ˈamo kõn ˈtoðo mi koɾaˈsõn, Tay ah-mo con toh-doh mee co-rah-son ; I love you, my love, Te amo, mi amor, te ˈamo mj aˈmoɾ, Tay ah-mo mee ah-more ; I love you handsome, Te amo, guapo, te ˈamo ˈɡwapo, Tay ah-mo, goo-ah-po ; I love you beautiful, Te amo, hermosa, te ˈamo ɛɾˈmosa, Tay ah-mo, air-mo-sa ; I love you more than life itself, Te amo más que a la vida en sí, te ˈamo ˈmas ˈke a la ˈβiða ɛ̃n ˈsi, Tay ah-mo mas kay ah la vee-dah en see ; I love you more than anything, Te amo más que a nada, te ˈamo ˈmas ˈke a ˈnaða, Tay ah-mo mas kay ah nah-da ; I still love you, Aún te amo, aˈũn te ˈamo, Ah-oon tay ah-mo ; I think I love you, Creo que te amo, ˈkɾeo ˈke te ˈamo, Cray-oh kay tay ah-mo ; I’m crazy about you, Estoy enloquecido por ti, ɛsˈtoj ɛ̃nlokeˈsiðo poɾ ˈti, Es-toy en-loh-kay-see-do por tee ; You’re driving me crazy (in a good way), Me estás volviendo loco, mɛ ɛsˈtas̬ βolˈβjɛ̃ndo ˈloko, Meh es-tas vol-vee-en-do low-co ; I’m head over heels for you, Estoy enloquecido por ti, ɛsˈtoj ɛ̃nlokeˈsiðo poɾ ˈti, Es-toy en-lo-kay-see-do por tee ; I adore you, Te adoro, te aˈðoɾo, Tay ah-do-ro ; I’ve fallen for you, Me has conquistado, me ˈas kõnkisˈtaðo, Meh as con-kiss-ta-do ; I’m yours, Soy tuyo/a, ˈsoi̯ tuˈʝoa, Soy too-yo/too-ya ; Love of my life, Amor de mi vida, aˈmoɾ ðe mi ˈβiða, Ah-more day me vee-da ; I’m thinking about you, Estoy pensando en ti, ɛsˈtoi̯ pɛ̃nˈsãndo ɛ̃n ˈti, Es-toy pen-san-do en tee ; I want to be with you, Quiero estar contigo, ˈkjɛɾo ɛsˈtaɾ kõnˈtiɣo, kee-eh-ro es-tar con-tee-go ; I can’t wait to see you, Ya te quiero ver, ɟʝa te ˈkjɛɾo ˈβɛɾ, Ya tay kee-eh-ro ver ; I can’t live without you, No puedo vivir sin ti, ˈno ˈpweðo βiˈβiɾ sĩn ˈti, No poo-ay-do vee-veer seen tee ; I need you, Te necesito, te neseˈsito, Tay neh-say-see-toh ; You are my other half, Eres mi media naranja, ˈɛɾes̬ mi ˈmeðja naˈɾãnxa, Eh-res me meh-dee-ah nah-ran-ha ; Life would be empty without you, La vida estaría vacía sin ti, la ˈβiða ɛstaˈɾia βaˈsia sĩn ˈti, La vee-dah es-ta-ree-ah va-see-ah seen tee ; My heart is yours, Mi corazón es tuyo, mi koɾaˈson ˈɛs ˈtuʝo, Me co-rah-son es too-yo ; You are my everything, Eres mi todo, ˈɛɾes̬ mi ˈtoðo, Eh-res me toh-doh ; I love you with all my soul, Te amo con toda mi alma, te ˈamo kõn ˈtoða mj ˈalma, Tay ah-mo con toh-da me al-mah ; I love you from the bottom of my heart, Te amo desde el fondo de mi corazón., te ˈamo ˈðɛs̬ðɛ ɛl ˈfõndo ðe mi koɾaˈsõn ‖, Tay ah-mo des-day el fon-do day me co-rah-son ; I love you mommy, Te amo mamacita, te ˈamo mamaˈsita, Tay ah-mo ma-ma-see-ta ; I love you daddy, Te amo papi, te ˈamo ˈpapi, Tay ah-mo pa-pee ; You’re the best girlfriend in the world, Eres la mejor novia del mundo, ˈɛɾes̬ la meˈxoɾ ˈnoβja ðɛl ˈmũndo, Eh-res la may-hore noh-vee-ah del moon-do ; You’re the best boyfriend in the world, Eres el mejor novio del mundo, ˈɛɾes ɛl meˈxoɾ ˈnoβjo ðɛl ˈmũndo, Eh-res el may-hore noh-vee-oh del moon-do
Nicola Prentis says she doesn't feel like herself when she tries to date in Spanish and finds herself nodding along, saying "sí, sí" to everything.
Saying “I love you” in Spanish depends on the context, situation and what or who you’re talking about. Do you know how to say it?
Writing or saying the date in Spanish can be confusing at first because in Spanish the day comes first, followed by the month. But Spanish can be easier because there's only one way to say the date...
Learn how to say I love you in different languages with the right pronunciations to express the matters of your heart in diverse, impactful ways.
Hello in Spanish (hola) is the main greeting, but there are way more ways to say it. Check out this post to discover over 76 classic and creative ways to say hi in Spanish. We include the classics...
English, Spanish, IPA, Pronunciation ; Where are you from?, ¿De dónde eres?, de ˈðõnde ˈɛɾes ‖, deh don-deh eh-res ; Where are you from? (plural), ¿De dónde son?, de ˈðõnde ˈsõn ‖, deh don-deh sohn ; Where are you from? (formal), ¿De dónde es?, de ˈðõnde ˈɛs ‖, deh don-deh ehs
Need to learn how to say the days of the week in Spanish? It's a date! Here's how to write the date in Spanish, along with pronunciations!
You may be meeting plenty of friendly Spanish speakers, but how do you let them know that you're happy to be making their acquaintance? In English, we have the handy expression, "nice to meet you,"...