Feliz cumpleaños is the most common way to say happy birthday in Spanish. Learn everything about how to say happy birthday in Spanish.
What does it mean if someone tugs your ear or suggests a "mordida" on your birthday? Here's all you need to know to celebrate a Happy Birthday in Spanish.
Discover how to say "Happy Birthday" in Spanish and how to pen heartfelt cards. Also, learn need-to-know customs surrounding these celebrations.
Nada más querÃa desearle / desearles / desearte / desearos un feliz cumpleaños. ; Nada más querÃa felicitarle / felicitarles / felicitarlo / felicitarlos / felicitarla / felicitarlas por su cumpleaños. (a usted / a ustedes) ; Nada más querÃa felicitarte por tu cumpleaños.
How to Say Happy Birthday in Spanish & Spanish Happy Birthday Songs! ; 60+ Happy Birthday in Spanish Wishes and Messages: How to Say Happy Birthday in Spanish (With Samples) | Virtual Edge ; Spanish Practice for Family Occasions: Birthday Greetings. Learn to speak Spanish
If you have Spanish-speaking friends, you probably want to wish them a happy birthday in their native language. The most common way to say "happy birthday" in Spanish is to say "feliz cumpleaños" (...
Let's learn how to say Happy Birthday and sing Happy Birthday in Spanish.
More answers ; Je ne voudrais pas le perdre. je n'abandonnerai jamais ; You could say "No quiero perderte nunca."
3D Talking Avatars say Happy Birthday in Spanish - send your friend the best birthday card and birthday memes using Krikey Voice AI Animation tools!
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