Many Mac users are curious if they should turn on their firewalls. The macOS has a firewall, but it’s off by default. Unlike Windows, Mac OS X doesn’t have services that are easily attacked. But, turning on the Mac firewall adds a layer of protection. It helps control which apps can accept incoming connections. For those downloading apps outside the App Store, a firewall is key. You can turn on your Mac’s firewall through the Apple menu. Just go to System Settings, find the Network section...
I installed Firestarter, and configured my firewall. But I'm in doubt : On boot, I sometimes see a [FAIL] marker, and to the left, I guess it was something like "start firewall". I can't be sure
How do I unlock Chrome internet from firewall ?
that I think might be malicious through Windows Firewall, it... Is there any way if I can check if the application had already taken affect against my network, and what to do from there;...
I guess my firewall is blocking me out. I have ufw firewall installed, how do I enable 3306 port in that? I tried these steps but doesn't get the solution. Thanks in advance.
I don't have a router, but I mostly use my desktop for online shopping and torrenting. So, do I have to enable the firewall? I hope not, because I'm really dumb and I don't think I will be able to
I don't need to turn Windows Firewall back on because I have another (paid) antivirus/Firewall protection app (Webroot) on my computer (Windows 10 desktop). I have it off because I don't need both of
How do I make my desktop application to make the user firewall (I'm looking for an answer that would work with whatever firewall the user might have installed) pop-up those questions like "this pro...
My computers are sitting behind a router/firewall. How do I programmatically find out what my external IP address is. I can use for ad-hoc queries, but the TOS don't allow...
that do not match a rule are blocked However, the firewall rule still allowed HTTP traffic inward and my Windows 2008 server still responded with a test page I know it should be a simple...