Crestbrook Insurance Co. officially stopped renewing policies, a move that's likely to deepen... Read more: How Much Is My House Worth? How to Determine Your Home's Value Now the property...
C&S Insurance, resilient home features can make an impact on premium pricing. Storm shutters, reinforced roofing and flood barriers can all help lower the risk of damage to your house, and...
Condo and home prices have plunged across Florida as insurance and maintenance costs climb.
Does anyone have house insurance with house on the beach? Is it possible? How expensive might it be for a nice house? tks
Rising house prices, severe weather and growing inflation have caused home insurance rates in Texas and elsewhere to soar. Texas home insurance rates have...
Amid an ongoing insurance crisis and lingering high mortgage rates, Florida homeowners are slashing prices to make their properties more appealing—with nearly 25 percent currently selling...
state's insurance crisis. As of Wednesday morning, 204,833 properties, including single... Read more: How to Buy a House With Bad Credit Matthew Walsh, Moody's Analytics housing economist...
A rising number of homes for sale in Florida are seeing sellers slashing prices in an attempt... "Some people may be cashing out," Yun said, adding that skyrocketing insurance premiums...
Learn how to choose the right house and contents insurance policy with our buying guide, plus compare eight comprehensive policies and their premiums.
Across the country, home insurance prices are spiking, as companies raise rates and limit... The family has cut back on food and clothing, but with a teenager in the house, he says it is...