For security and privacy reasons, I want to setup my own server for syncing bookmarks and history in Firefox browser. We have Sync 1.1 which supports MySQL or LDAP backend for user authentication -...
Overview of Hosted Domains ; Organization of the LDAP Directory · Calendar Server Logins · Cross Domain Searches · Support for a Non-Hosted Domains Environment
I am trying develop an application (C#) to query an LDAP server. I don't know the actual server named to query - is there a way to find out using standard windows tools or something in .net? I've...
LDAP Server ; eXchange Integrator requires communication with an LDAP-compliant directory server (usually known by the shorthand term “LDAP server”) to store information on B2B Hosts and Trading Partners. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an Internet protocol for accessing information directories. LDAP runs over TCP/IP and allows clients to access different directory services based on entries. It makes the entries, along with their attributes and values, available to users and ...
Task · Description · For Instructions
Document Information · Preface · 1. Security Planning for Trusted Extensions · 2. Configuration Roadmap for Trusted Extensions · 3. Adding Trusted Extensions Software to the Oracle Solaris OS (Tasks) · 4. Configuring Trusted Extensions (Tasks) · 5. Configuring LDAP for Trusted Extensions (Tasks) · Configuring an LDAP Proxy Server on a Trusted Extensions Host (Task Map) · Configuring the Sun Java System Directory Server on a Trusted Extensions System · Collect Information for th...
zabbix LDAP 설정 Ldap Server 설정 Host : AD IP를 입력한다. Search attribute : 적절한 특성을 입력한다. Configure JIT provisioning : 그룹 매칭 사용을 위하여 체크한다. Group name...
Document Information · Preface · 1. Security Planning for Trusted Extensions · 2. Configuration Roadmap for Trusted Extensions · 3. Adding Trusted Extensions Software to the Oracle Solaris OS (Tasks) · 4. Configuring Trusted Extensions (Tasks) · 5. Configuring LDAP for Trusted Extensions (Tasks) · Configuring an LDAP Server on a Trusted Extensions Host (Task Map) · Configuring the Sun Java System Directory Server on a Trusted Extensions System · Collect Information for the Dire...
Config ; SHARELATEX_LDAP_HOST : The host where your LDAP server is located. e.g. 'ldap://' ; SHARELATEX_LDAP_BASE_SEARCH : e.g. 'ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com' ; SHARELATEX_LDAP_FILTER : LDAP search filter e.g '(uid=:userKey)'
LDAP_SERVER_PORT is currently not used and the port and protocol has to be included in the LDAP_SERVER_HOST the PORT env var has to be set though otherwise an error is thrown #124 (comment)