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HADB Management Host Requirements (Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Update 1-9.1 Update 2 Release N....

1 Update 2 > Hardware and Software Requirements > HADB Requirements and Supported Platforms > HADB Management Host Requirements Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Update 1-9.1 Update 2...

Plateform management not needed but application entity has to evolve · Issue #162 · mauvaisetroupe/ea-d....

We were not far off with our components 😊 Architecture type is created with the values: Platform host / Platform application / Micro Service An application has only one and only one...

Scripted Host

The Scripted Host resource adapter supports management of application user accounts on an OS/390 mainframe over the IBM Host Access Class Library APIs. The adapter manages host applications over a TN3270 emulator session. This adapter is a general purpose adapter, and is therefore highly configurable. The adapter makes no assumptions about the host application being managed, and instead relies on calling out to a set of customer-supplied scripts to perform the interactions with the host applicat...

Common Application Properties :: Spring Boot

Name, Description ; management.appoptics.metrics.export.api-token, AppOptics API token. ; management.appoptics.metrics.export.batch-size, Number of measurements per request to use for this backend. If more measurements are found, then multiple requests will be made. ; management.appoptics.metrics.export.connect-timeout, Connection timeout for requests to this backend. ; management.appoptics.metrics.export.enabled, Whether exporting of metrics to this backend is enabled. ; management.appoptics.metrics.export.floor-times, Whether to ship a floored time, useful when sending measurements from multiple hosts to align them on a given time boundary. ; management.appoptics.metrics.export.host-tag, Tag that will be mapped to "@host" when shipping metrics to AppOptics. ; management.appoptics.metrics.export.read-timeout, Read timeout for requests to this backend. ; management.appoptics.metrics.export.step, Step size (i.e. reporting frequency) to use. ; management.appoptics.metrics.export.uri, URI to ship metrics to. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.batch-size, Number of measurements per request to use for this backend. If more measurements are found, then multiple requests will be made. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.config-refresh-frequency, Frequency for refreshing config settings from the LWC service. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.config-time-to-live, Time to live for subscriptions from the LWC service. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.config-uri, URI for the Atlas LWC endpoint to retrieve current subscriptions. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.connect-timeout, Connection timeout for requests to this backend. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.enabled, Whether exporting of metrics to this backend is enabled. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.eval-uri, URI for the Atlas LWC endpoint to evaluate the data for a subscription. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.lwc-enabled, Whether to enable streaming to Atlas LWC. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.lwc-ignore-publish-step, Whether expressions with the same step size as Atlas publishing should be ignored for streaming. Used for cases where data being published to Atlas is also sent into streaming from the backend. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.lwc-step, Step size (reporting frequency) to use for streaming to Atlas LWC. This is the highest supported resolution for getting an on-demand stream of the data. It must be less than or equal to management.metrics.export.atlas.step and management.metrics.export.atlas.step should be an even multiple of this value. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.meter-time-to-live, Time to live for meters that do not have any activity. After this period the meter will be considered expired and will not get reported. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.num-threads, Number of threads to use with the metrics publishing scheduler. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.read-timeout, Read timeout for requests to this backend. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.step, Step size (i.e. reporting frequency) to use. ; management.atlas.metrics.export.uri, URI of the Atlas server. ; management.auditevents.enabled, Whether to enable storage of audit events. ; management.cloudfoundry.enabled, Whether to enable extended Cloud Foundry actuator endpoints. ; management.cloudfoundry.skip-ssl-validation, Whether to skip SSL verification for Cloud Foundry actuator endpoint security calls. ; management.datadog.metrics.export.api-key, Datadog API key. ; management.datadog.metrics.export.application-key, Datadog application key. Not strictly required, but improves the Datadog experience by sending meter descriptions, types, and base units to Datadog. ; management.datadog.metrics.export.batch-size, Number of measurements per request to use for this backend. If more measurements are found, then multiple requests will be made. ; management.datadog.metrics.export.connect-timeout, Connection timeout for requests to this backend. ; management.datadog.metrics.export.descriptions, Whether to publish descriptions metadata to Datadog. Turn this off to minimize the amount of metadata sent. ; management.datadog.metrics.export.enabled, Whether exporting of metrics to this backend is enabled. ; management.datadog.metrics.export.host-tag, Tag that will be mapped to "host" when shipping metrics to Datadog. ; management.datadog.metrics.export.read-timeout, Read timeout for requests to this backend. ; management.datadog.metrics.export.step, Step size (i.e. reporting frequency) to use. ; management.datadog.metrics.export.uri, URI to ship metrics to. Set this if you need to publish metrics to a Datadog site other than US, or to an internal proxy en-route to Datadog. ; management.defaults.metrics.export.enabled, Whether to enable default metrics exporters. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.api-token, Dynatrace authentication token. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.batch-size, Number of measurements per request to use for this backend. If more measurements are found, then multiple requests will be made. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.connect-timeout, Connection timeout for requests to this backend. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.enabled, Whether exporting of metrics to this backend is enabled. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.read-timeout, Read timeout for requests to this backend. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.step, Step size (i.e. reporting frequency) to use. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.uri, URI to ship metrics to. Should be used for SaaS, self-managed instances or to en-route through an internal proxy. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.v1.device-id, ID of the custom device that is exporting metrics to Dynatrace. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.v1.group, Group for exported metrics. Used to specify custom device group name in the Dynatrace UI. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.v1.technology-type, Technology type for exported metrics. Used to group metrics under a logical technology name in the Dynatrace UI. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.v2.default-dimensions.*, Default dimensions that are added to all metrics in the form of key-value pairs. These are overwritten by Micrometer tags if they use the same key. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.v2.enrich-with-dynatrace-metadata, Whether to enable Dynatrace metadata export. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.v2.export-meter-metadata, Whether to export meter metadata (unit and description) to the Dynatrace backend. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.v2.metric-key-prefix, Prefix string that is added to all exported metrics. ; management.dynatrace.metrics.export.v2.use-dynatrace-summary-instruments, Whether to fall back to the built-in micrometer instruments for Timer and DistributionSummary. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.api-key-credentials, Base64-encoded credentials string. Mutually exclusive with user-name and password. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.auto-create-index, Whether to create the index automatically if it does not exist. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.batch-size, Number of measurements per request to use for this backend. If more measurements are found, then multiple requests will be made. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.connect-timeout, Connection timeout for requests to this backend. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.enable-source, Whether to enable _source in the default index template when auto-creating the index. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.enabled, Whether exporting of metrics to this backend is enabled. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.host, Host to export metrics to. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.index, Index to export metrics to. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.index-date-format, Index date format used for rolling indices. Appended to the index name. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.index-date-separator, Prefix to separate the index name from the date format used for rolling indices. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.password, Login password of the Elastic server. Mutually exclusive with api-key-credentials. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.pipeline, Ingest pipeline name. By default, events are not pre-processed. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.read-timeout, Read timeout for requests to this backend. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.step, Step size (i.e. reporting frequency) to use. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.timestamp-field-name, Name of the timestamp field. ; management.elastic.metrics.export.user-name, Login user of the Elastic server. Mutually exclusive with api-key-credentials. ; management.endpoint.auditevents.access, Permitted level of access for the auditevents endpoint. ; management.endpoint.auditevents.cache.time-to-live, Maximum time that a response can be cached. ; management.endpoint.beans.access, Permitted level of access for the beans endpoint. ; management.endpoint.beans.cache.time-to-live, Maximum time that a response can be cached. ; management.endpoint.caches.access, Permitted level of access for the caches endpoint. ; management.endpoint.caches.cache.time-to-live, Maximum time that a response can be cached. ; management.endpoint.conditions.access, Permitted level of access for the conditions endpoint. ; management.endpoint.conditions.cache.time-to-live, Maximum time that a response can be cached. ; management.endpoint.configprops.access, Permitted level of access for the configprops endpoint. ; management.endpoint.configprops.cache.time-to-live, Maximum time that a response can be cached. ; management.endpoint.configprops.roles, Roles used to determine whether a user is authorized to be shown unsanitized values. When empty, all authenticated users are authorized. ; management.endpoint.configprops.show-values, When to show unsanitized values. ; management.endpoint.env.access, Permitted level of access for the env endpoint. ; management.endpoint.env.cache.time-to-live, Maximum time that a response can be cached. ; management.endpoint.env.roles, Roles used to determine whether a user is authorized to be shown unsanitized values. When empty, all authenticated users are authorized. ; management.endpoint.env.show-values, When to show unsanitized values. ; management.endpoint.flyway.access, Permitted level of access for the flyway endpoint. ; management.endpoint.flyway.cache.time-to-live, Maximum time that a response can be cached. ; management.endpoint.health.access, Permitted level of access for the health endpoint. ; management.endpoint.health.cache.time-to-live, Maximum time that a response can be cached. ; management.endpoint.health.group.*, Health endpoint groups. ; management.endpoint.health.logging.slow-indicator-threshold, Threshold after which a warning will be logged for slow health indicators. ; management.endpoint.health.probes.add-additional-paths, Whether to make the liveness and readiness health groups available on the main server port. ; management.endpoint.health.probes.enabled, Whether to enable liveness and readiness probes. ; management.endpoint.health.roles, Roles used to determine whether a user is authorized to be shown details. When empty, all authenticated users are authorized. ; management.endpoint.health.show-components, When to show components. If not specified the 'show-details' setting will be used. ; management.endpoint.health.show-details, When to show full health details. ; management.endpoint.health.status.http-mapping.*, Mapping of health statuses to HTTP status codes. By default, registered health statuses map to sensible defaults (for example, UP maps to 200). ; management.endpoint.health.status.order, List of health statuses in order of severity. ; management.endpoint.health.validate-group-membership, Whether to validate health group membership on startup. Validation fails if a group includes or excludes a health contributor that does not exist.

Multi host support · Issue #85 · tableflip/guvnor · GitHub

Hi, After a lot reading about pm2 I realized that they do not support multi-host ability (to see and manage in one interface applications from different servers). Is it possible to do in your app?...

6.6. Managing Host Application

Displaying Example Makefile Fragments (example-makefile or makefile) ; Compiling and Linking Your Host Application ; Using OpenCL ICD Extension APIs

Individual IP Addresses (i-Planet Administration Guide)

Individual IP Addresses The firewall application identifies an individual host by linking its unique IP address to an address object, which can use the name or IP address of the host. To...

AWS AppConfig Construct Library — AWS Cloud Development Kit 2.146.0 documentation

An example use case: app = appconfig.Application(self, "MyApp") · env = appconfig.Environment(self, "MyEnv", application=app appconfig.HostedConfiguration(self, "MyHostedConfig", application=app, deploy_to=[env], content=appconfig.ConfigurationContent.from_inline_text("This is my configuration content.")

GitHub - timeoff-management/timeoff-management-application: Simple yet powerful absence management softwa....

Simple yet powerful absence management software for small and medium size business (community edition) - timeoff-management/timeoff-management-application

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