Health and Welfare Minister Moon Hyung-pyo said Wednesday that the ministry has dropped a plan to reform the country’s healthcare insurance system this year.
This research brief summarizes the main findings of the RAND Health Insurance Experiment and clarifies its relevance for today's health care debate.
The share of Americans without health insurance has been cut in half since 2013. Many of the reforms instituted by the Affordable Care Act of 2010 were designed to extend health care...
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The key to improving health for Americans is far more complex than health insurance reform, write Liran Einav and Amy Finkelstein.
Learn how proposed reforms in health insurance coverage would lower household spending, with reductions for those that spend the most on health care.
Recent reforms remain an active political issue. Alternative reform proposals were offered by... third-party health insurance in the 1930s. 1930s–1950s With the Great Depression, more and...
국내/국외 : 국외연구자료, 유형 : 연구보고서, 출처 : International Monetary Fund, 원문링크1 :, 키워드 : #Poverty #Bulgaria #Economic models #Insurance #Income inequality #Public finance #Income distribution #Social indicators
The Nation and its health care system are best served by having all citizens covered by health insurance. ; Health care coverage and/or insurance should be made available to all. ; Individuals should have health care coverage that is continuous, i.e. allows for no gaps in coverage.
Pauly offers a detailed look at the individual insurance market in the United States. He... He concludes that, although there are some serious deficiencies in today's individual insurance...