Environment SLES15 SP1 GroupWise Web 18.5 GroupWise Web 23.4 Situation Also noted that port... to GroupWise Web. Cause User configuration errors found. Resolution The GroupWise Post Office...
OpenText GroupWise · Last Activity: 12 hours ago ; OpenText GroupWise Disaster Recovery · Last Activity: 29 days ago ; OpenText GroupWise Mailbox Management · Last Activity: 2 days ago
NDS eDirectory for Windows ; http://downloadfiles.novell.com/products/126/edir851_com-01.exe ; http://downloadfiles.novell.com/products/126/edir851_com-02.exe ; http://downloadfiles.novell.com/products/126/edir851_com-03.exe
We are pleased to announce the latest release of Micro Focus GroupWise, version 18.4. ; This release of Micro Focus GroupWise 18.4 includes Micro Focus GroupWise, Micro Focus GroupWise Web, Micro Focus GroupWise Mobility Service, and Micro Focus GroupWise Messenger. ; For more information on new features, see the release notes documentation here:
Now featuring GroupWise 18. With Hosted GroupWise, you can now enjoy the rich features of GroupWise in a secure, scalable hosted/cloud environment.
Top Replies ; Kevin Boyle ; You've basically prodded me to take the raw notes I had for the bits to track and fleshed it out to a full blog post. If you haven't done that move yet, it might be worth your while to check it out . Any… ; While a P2V (Physical to Virtual, to Hyper-V it appears in your case) is possible, sometimes it is actually easier in some situations to just build a new vm from scratch, and move the data/app over. With…
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Im currently in work environment that uses Groupwise server. I want to use Thunderbird on my 12.2 openSUSE desktop. From what i can see it uses SOAP for sync of the calender and tasks etc. Thunderbird doesn’t support this? Is there any other way possible of sync between the two? Its really quite annoying, because evolution for gnome supports SOAP. I might put a feature request onto the Bugzilla see if its goes anywhere. The Groupwise client is missing some key features, and Thunderbird is what ...
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4 Installation and Configuration Guide for Groupwise © 2023... for Groupwise Updated - March 2023 Software Version - 5.9.4... 4 Installation and Configuration Guide for Groupwise...