An email archiving alternative for Google Vault, with advanced features and better pricing. Works for all organizations, including enterprises and non-profits.
It provides a third-party solution to archiving Gmail and documents stored in Google Apps.
Jatheon's cloud-based email archiving solution lets you capture, preserve and retrieve all business communication securely. Compatible with your email platform.
Save or Back up Gmail Messages to SharePoint 5.0 (평점 10개) 확장 프로그램 워크플로 및 계획 58 사용자 Chrome에 추가 개요 5점 만점에 5점 평점 10개 Google은 리뷰를 검증하지...
Protect data privacy, meet HIPAA compliance, facilitate ediscovery and improve information management with powerful email archiving solutions.
is) Collective memory Common Crawl Digital hoarding Digital preservation Digital library Ghost Archive Google Cache List of Web archiving initiatives Wikipedia:List of web archives on...
Meet SEC/FINRA compliance and respond to ediscovery requests with secure on-premise and AWS-based cloud email archiving solutions.
직장 또는 학교에서 Google 앱을 최대한 활용하고 싶으신가요? Google Workspace 무료 체험에 등록하세요.... 내가 회원인 Google 그룹으로 메일이 전송됩니다. 누군가 메일의 '받는사람' 또는 '참조' 입력란에 나를...