Texas to Philadelphia last year for a college program she... University of the Arts. More colleges around the country have... ran out of money so suddenly. “We have yet to receive the...
Robert French quit college in his sophomore year to live out of his car and sleep on public lands. He takes odd jobs and quits when he gets bored.
part of the country. While cost is often the deciding factor... allow out-of-state students at a public college to qualify... majority of students are going to be paying," says Lindsay...
Bill Pink, the president of Grand Rapids Community College in Michigan, says that's what everyone expected to happen this year: " 'Community colleges, you guys are going to clean up. You...
instead of going to college: Workforce participation for 16- to 24-year-olds is lower than it... “There’s anti-elitism, anti-institutionalism, a perception that cost is out of control....
"The phenomenon of students sitting out of college seems to be more widespread. It's not just... harder to start thinking about yourself going back into a classroom." For Brian Williams...
To unlock the benefits of going to college, you need to earn a degree. But average completion rates in the U.S. are surprisingly low and can vary widely depending on what type of school you attend.
Three months before the start of fall classes, many don’t know where they’re going to college, or how they’re going to... Similar problems have been reported across the country, along...
For most students, figuring out where to go to college is closely linked with, "How am I gonna pay for it?" The answer — sort of — comes in lots of confusing terms and jargon.
Classes are being held online across the US to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Some universities across the country, like Rice, are shifting to virtual courses after a...