Ingrid Goes West is a 2017 American black comedy drama film directed by Matt Spicer and written by Spicer and David Branson Smith. The film stars Aubrey Plaza, Elizabeth Olsen, Billy Magnussen, Wyatt Russell, Pom Klementieff, and O'Shea Jackson Jr., and follows a young woman who moves to L...
Goes West is the fourth studio album by American singer-songwriter William Tyler. It was released on January 25, 2019 through Merge Records. The cover art for Goes West was designed by Robert Beatty. Track listing Charts References
Ingrid Goes West: Directed by Matt Spicer. With Aubrey Plaza, Elizabeth Olsen, O'Shea Jackson Jr., Wyatt Russell. After her release from a psychiatric ward, a woman obsessed with social media moves...
With each new album, William Tyler’s portrait of America gets deeper and more personal. His compositions—always wordless, mostly in major keys—have been written for acoustic guitar (2010’s Behold the Spirit), electric guitar (2013’s Impossible Truth), and an innovative band blending rural folk music and krautrock (2016’s Modern Country). Despite the differences in presentation, his work always conjures a similar image of the country. When Tyler plays guitar, there’s a feeling of ho...
1979년 6월에 발매된 빌리지 피플의 노래다. 노래의 제목인 'Go West'는 19세기 미국 서부개척시대에 호레이스 그릴리가 말했던 "Go west, young man(서쪽으로 가라, 젊은 그대여)."에서 따온 것으로 미국의 확장주의인 '명백한 운명(Manifest Destiny)'을 대표하는 슬로건이었다. 여기에 제2차 세계 대전 후 동서...
Metacritic Music Reviews, Goes West by William Tyler, The fourth full-length solo release for the Nashville guitarist was produced by Bradley Cook and Tucker Martine....
GO WEST! Event · Available Now! · Inkwell and Dr. Lim are back as Maple Punk, the hot duo behind this summer's EDM vibe! As their tour continues, leave an encouraging note on the Concert Board, join the Maple World Tour to catch the show, and more. In this exclusive Global MapleStory event, you'll earn special "It's Showtime" buffs to get stronger, as well as various cumulative login benefits including Experience Nodestones, Growth Potions, and more electrifying Maple Punk items!
Goes West by William Tyler released in 2019. Find album reviews, track lists, credits, awards and more at AllMusic.
배급사 : ㈜인디스토리, 감독 : 홍윤정, 출연 : 진경, 전영, 이얼, 키워드 : #드라마 #사랑 #연인 #이별
노래 Go West는 영국 신스팝 듀오 펫 샵 보이즈가 1993년 발매한 노래이다.... 샌프란시스코로 와라 1979년 빌리지 피플이 Go West를 내놓았다. 이때 West는 샌프란시스코를 의미하는 것...