Introduction Statistics How you can help Start-Up Funding The Loden Foundation holds bi-annual calls for Start-Up Funding of business proposals. While banks charged double-digit interest rates and...
declining start-up valuations, preferring to find ways to back more established tech groups or prop up their existing portfolio of companies. Josh Kushner’s Thrive Capital, among the most...
After surging in 2021, funding for logistics start-ups slowed substantially in 2022. Where are investors focusing their interests in 2023 and beyond?
The latest Start-up funding news, articles and analysis from the Australian Financial Review
On an annual basis, the total start-up funding amounted to $347.4m, down 5pc from a year ago. The number of deals also fell to 70 from 84 in 2021. Sector-wise, e-commerce led in the funding...
정가 : 18,000원, 판매가 : 16,200원 (10% 할인), YES포인트 : 900원 (5% 적립) · 5만원이상 구매 시 2천원 추가적립
재단법인 경남창조경제혁신센터 공고 제40호 2019 경남 창업기업 크라우드펀딩 지원사업 「GSCF_Gyeongnam Start-up Crowd Funding」 참가기업 모집 크라우드펀딩을 통한 지역 내 우수 창업기업의 자금조달, 초기 시장검증, 판로확보 및 후속투자 유치를 지원하는 “2019 경남 창업기업 크라우드펀딩 지원사업” 『Gyeongnam S…
International funding for Chinese start-ups dried up last year, pushing many fledgling technology companies to raise capital and list at home instead of on Wall Street. Dollar investments...
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How school authorities apply for and report on the dual credit start-up grant.