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Telemedicine. Shopping. Online learning. Many aspects of everyday life take place online these days, and education is no exception. In Guatemala, internet infrastructure and devices are frequently available, but the cost is prohibitive: For the poorest 40 percent of Guatemalans, the price of broadband internet is equivalent to 28 percent of household income. Free community internet means children and youth can take online courses, learn a new language, download books, and conduct research for sc...
Interested in owning an internet franchise business? Search listings of internet franchise and business opportunities in our directory.
Learn about the most popular & successful business opportunities on web. This 100+ list of internet based business models offers ideas to launch a unique startup. From web based business ideas to t...
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Following the worldwide COVID-19 lockdowns, companies that have lost revenue will be looking for ways to innovate and save money. Internet of Things (IoT) implementations involving digital twins are proving to be helpful in reducing costs. “How Can We Use IoT and Digital Twins to Reduce Costs After the COVID-19 Lockdown?” illustrates industry examples of how IoT can be implemented to reduce costs. Complete the form to download the free copy.
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